Education in Hotel Management

Education in Hotel Management  

Manoj Kumar
Views : 4196 | January 2014

This is a certified profession where education attained has a direct connection with the profession. Therefore, a connection between the 5th house (house of education) & 10th house (house of profession) is essential. It means that education acquired is to be put to use in the profession. The aim of a hotel is to provide homely comforts and food to the customers so the role of 2nd, 4th & 10th houses also come into play. The main significator for hotel industry is Venus. Therefore, relationship of 2nd, 4th, 10th house and Venus is essential. Jupiter is the planet which signifies the study in Management. 

So, its connection is also essential. It has been found in most of the cases that there is certainly a connection between 5th house,10th house and Venus. Example : 11-09-1977, 20:44, Jalandhar The native of this chart has successfully completed a three years course in Hotel Managment in India and is presently working in a five star hotel in England. In the birth chart, Sun is the 5th lord placed in 5th house in own sign, Sun is also placed in the nakshatra of Venus who is 2nd & 7th lord alongwith 10th & 11th lord Saturn, 4th lord Moon. So, the connection here with 4th, 5th, 10th & Venus is established. Besides that Venus, the 2nd & 7th lord is placed in 4th house and aspecting the 10th house. 

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Thus, the connection of 5th & 10th house with the involvement of Venus is promising professional course in the field of Hotel Management. In Navamsha chart, 5th & 10th lord Mars is associated with Venus (4th & 11th lord) in the 7th house and is aspecting the 2nd house. Thus, Navamsha chart confirms the promise of the birth chart. In the Dashamsha chart, 5th & 10th lord Mars is associated with 4th & 11th lord Venus in the 4th house and is aspecting the 2nd lord Sun and 10th house. So, the connection of 5th, 10th & Venus in all the three charts shows the inclination of this person in the study of Hotel Management. Connection of 2nd,4th,10th and Venus In D-1 chart 10th house is receiving the aspect of 2nd & 7th lord Venus from the 4th house. Venus is influencing the houses 2nd, 4th & 10th which are to be seen for the service in Hotel Management.

10th lord Saturn is associated with 4th lord Moon and aspecting the 2nd house. Again the connection of 2nd, 4th and 10th house is crystal clear. In Navamsha chart, 10th lord Mars is placed in 7th house with 4th lord Venus and is aspecting the 2nd house. Navamsha chart also confirms the promise of birth chart. Now, let's see the Dashamsha chart. Here,10th house has 2nd lord Sun and obtains the aspects of 10th lord Mars and 4th lord Venus from the 4th house. 10th lord Mars occupies the 4th house with 4th lord Venus and aspects the 2nd lord Sun. So, the connection of 2nd, 4th and 10th houses or their lords and connection of Venus with 10th house or 10th lord in all the concerned charts promises professional career in the field of Hotel Management. Connection of Jupiter Jupiter is associated with lagna lord Mars in D-1. Jupiter is aspecting the 10th house in Navamsha chart. Jupiter is associated with lagna lord Moon in Dashamsha Chart. 

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Dasha From 01-11-1982, Venus Dasha for 20 years started to the native. He joined Hotel Management Course in the Dasha of Ven-Sat-Mer in April 1996 through competitive examination and completed the course successfully. Mahadasha : Venus, the MD lord is 2nd & 7th lord placed in 4th house and is aspecting the 10th house of distinction. Venus is also placed in the nakshatra of Mercury who is the lord of 6th house of competition and is placed in the 5th house of education. In Navamsha chart Venus is 4th & 11th lord and is placed in the 7th house with 5th & 10th lord Mars. In Dashamsha chart, Venus is again associated with 5th & 10th lord Mars and is aspecting the 10th house. Mahadasha of Venus gave him the opportunity to join Hotel Management course as Venus is connected with 5th & 10th houses or their lords in all the three concerned Charts. Venus is also the significator of Hotel Industry. 

Antardasha : Saturn, the AD lord is 10th lord of distinction and is placed in the 5th house of education with 5th lord Sun. In Navamsha chart, Saturn is placed in the 10th house and is aspecting the 5th & 10th lord Mars and Venus, the significator for hotel. In Dashamsha chart, Saturn is placed in the 2nd house and is aspecting the 5th & 10th lord Mars and significator Venus. AD lord Saturn is again associated with 5th & 10th houses or their lords. Pratyantardasha : Mercury, the PD lord is the third lord signifying self efforts and 6th lord of competition, placed in the 5th house of education with 10th lord Saturn and is in the nakshatra of Venus. In Navamsha chart, Mercury is placed in the 2nd house and is receiving the aspect of 5th and 10th lord Mars. In Dashamsha chart, Mercury is placed in the 6th house of competition indicating success in competitive examination required to be passed for admission in Hotel Management course. 

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The connection of Dasha lords with 5th & 10th houses and Venus in the concerned charts gave this person an entry in Hotel Management course through competitive examination. Thus we find the following essential parameters which ensure the study in Hotel Management : 1. Main significator- Venus 2. Connection of 5th lord of education with Venus. 3. Connection of 5th house and 10th house. 4. Connection of 2nd, 4th, 10th houses and Venus in D-1, D-9 & D-10. 5. This is a Management Course therefore link of Jupiter with lagna, 10th house or Venus should be there. 6. The connection of MD, AD & PD lords with the concerned houses mentioned above. 7. Connection of Dasha lords with Venus and service giving houses at the time of joining service in hotel. Some birth details of the natives are being presented here who took the study of Hotel Management for the research and self study of the students of Astrology : (i) 07-02-1974, 05:34, Delhi (ii) 02-11-1961, 01:22, Delhi (iii) 20-02-19978, 09:15, Delhi (iv) 20-10-1979, 23:45, Kolkata

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