Prediction of Fatality through Dwadashamsha

Prediction of Fatality through Dwadashamsha  

Manoj Kumar
Views : 11517 | April 2013

From the time immemorial every human being has to undergo the adverse times. Only the Astrologers are capable of indicating the invariable times in one's life through various established principles and techniques given by our seers, modified and refined by great scholars from time to time. Every transient being has to pass through different phases during the course of life since the time, lord Brahma has created this universe. Everyone has to take the taste of good and bad times during the journey of life. We, the human beings are guided by the influence of planets, constellations, Dashas etc., if we believe in spirituality and occultism. These influences guide the course of every event in our life from cradle to grave.

In the present material world, every individual aspires to lead a wealthy, happy and rich life. But it is not in our hands. It is all decided by the influence of the planetary dispositions which we get in our horoscope based on the time we appeared on this mortal world. After our birth we have to continuously encounter the cycles of happiness and grief. Astrologers have the divine knowledge to know and guide the people about the good periods and lean patches in life taking into account different and diversified principles of Astrology conceived and interpreted by seers and acharyas from time to time.

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If one is guided about the impending dangers, it is proved of immense help as the person can prepare himself or herself for the worst and take considerable remedial measures and appropriate actions to minimise or avoid the ill effects of the events and lessen the fatality. Out of the numerous principles known and unknown, one very important, tried and tested principle is to predict the fatality through Dwadashamsha chart and the transit of Rahu. Principle 1 : Step 1 : Note the 8th lord of D-1 chart. Step 2 : See the position of 8th lord of D-1 in Dwadashamsha chart. Step 3 : See the transit of Rahu. Whenever Rahu influences the 8th lord of D-1 in D-12, that time will prove very problematic and fatal to the native. Principle 2 : If the 8th lord of D-1 is Saturn, then the rule will change a little bit.

In that condition, see where Saturn is placed in D-12. Whenever Rahu transits in 3rd house or 10th house from Saturn, the same result can be predicted. It will also be the period of disaster, catastrophe and fatality. The following given examples are the testimony of the credibility of this principle and fact behind it. But learned scholars of Astrology must take into account that Rahu influences the sensitive points mentioned in the principles every 7½ years. So, during the course of prediction, precaution should be taken. It cannot be death every time or catastrophic fatality. However, it is certain that the native will have to face adversities to a considerable extent. Illustrations : Example 1 : Indira Gandhi, 19.11.1917, 23:11, Allahabad, Death : 31.10.1984 In the chart of Indira Gandhi, Principle 2 is applicable as 8th lord in her chart is Saturn. Saturn is placed in Pisces in the D-12 chart. She was assassinated on 31.10.1984.

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At that time Rahu was transitting in Taurus which is the 3rd Rashi from Pisces where Saturn is placed in D-12. Example 2- Morarji Desai, 29.2.1896, 13.38, Bhadeli, Death - 10.4.1995 In this chart also, Principle 2 is applicable as 8th lord in Morarji Desai’s Chart is also Saturn. Saturn is placed in Leo in this chart in D-12. Morarji Desai died on 10th April, 1995. On this day Rahu was transitting in Libra which is the 3rd house from Saturn placed in D-12. Example 3- B.V. Raman, August 8, 1912, 19.40, Bangalore, Death 20.12.1998 In legendary Astrologer Dr. B.V. Raman’s chart, 8th lord of D-1 is Mercury. Mercury is placed in Capricorn in D-12. On the day of his death on 20.12. 1998, Rahu was transitting in Cancer and thus aspecting and influencing natal 8th lord Mercury in Dwadashamsa. Example 4- Steve Jobs, Feb. 24, 1955, 16.15, San Francisco, Death- 5.10.2011 In the chart of steve Jobs, the CEO and founder of Apple, the 8th lord is Saturn. So, here Principle 2 will be applicable. Saturn is placed in Virgo in D-12 chart.

On his death on 5th Oct., 2011, Rahu was transitting in Scorpio which is 3rd house from the placement of Saturn in D-12. Example 5- Amitabh Bachchan, Oct. 11, 1942, 16.00, Allahabad, Fatal injury on 26.7.1982. As we all know that Amitabh Bachchan got a serious and fatal injury while doing a fight sequence in the shooting of film Coolie on 26.7.1982. 8th lord of his natal chart is Mercury which is placed in Gemini sign in D-12. On that fateful day Rahu was transitting in Gemini sign, thus influencing the 8th lord of D-1 in D-12. Example 6- Rajeev Gandhi, 20.8.1944, 8.11, Bombay, Death - May 21, 1991 The chart belongs to former Indian Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi. His lagna is Leo and the 8th lord is Jupiter. 8th lord of D-1 i.e.

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Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius in D-12. He was assassinated on May 21, 1991. On that day Rahu was also transitting on Sagittarius and thus completely influencing Jupiter in D-12 which is the 8th lord of D-1. Example 7 - Aditi Singh, Nov. 22, 1975, 1.10, Bareilly, Death-Aug. 27, 2012. The above horoscope belongs to a female native who was quite healthy. All of a sudden she died. Actually she got a fever and admitted to a hospital. She was released from the hospital on 27th August 2012. Coming back to her home with her husband who is also a doctor, she had heart attack in the car on way and she died. Her 8th lord in D-1 is Jupiter which is placed in Scorpio in D-12. On the day of her death Rahu was also transitting on Scorpio influencing Jupiter, the 8th lord of D-1.

Thus we find that the above mentioned principle is applicable in all the example horoscopes. But now the question arise, since Rahu will influence the sensitive point every 7½ years then will this fatality manifest everytime. The answer is no. It is certain that the native will face problems in that period of 1½ years, he/she may be seriously sick. It has been found that problems take place. But the gravity of problems depend on several other potent factors prevalent in the horoscope. So, the readers and the sincere followers of Astrology are advised not to follow this principle blindly and predict death or deathlike fatality. This topic requires lots of further research and it is the responsibility of our astrologer brethren and the students of astrology to test and verify this principle with subtle variations.

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