Influence of Planets & Chakras on Human Systems Prabhakar K. Kashyap Views : 3682 | January 2012 Do you like this article? Subscribe Astrology Previousग्रह स्थिति एवं व्यापारNextमिड लाइफ क्राइसिस [+] Read more Do you like this article? Subscribe
Jan 2007Views : 3454The Valadity of AstrologyCSVLN SharmaThe concise details of all the puranas statesthat since time immemorial, Vedic scripts emphasize the...more
Jan 2007Views : 3474Mundane AstrologyS.R. SwamyWe have discussed about the position of planets in various houses in our previous issues and we s...more
Jan 2007Views : 3536Transit of Saturn Dr. Arun BansalSaturn plays an important role is Astrology. Now that it has moved from Cancer to Leo, is an imp...more
Jul 2008Views : 3920Sichuan EarthquakePushaplata SharmaEclipses falling in fixed signs will have long lasting effects. The effects of eclipses are spread o...more
Apr 2008Views : 3648Nanshan RockedPushaplata SharmaNanshan is the name of a mountain range. It is also a place in Nanshan district in Shenzhen provi...more
Apr 2007Views : 4703Astrology and Timing of PlantationMohit GilotraSome people have green fingers -ie. Everything they plant seems to flourish. On the other hand, some...more
Jul 2007Views : 4005Transit of Saturn in Leo : Auspicious or Inauspicious Dr. Arun BansalSaturn shall transit into Leo on 15th July 2007 on 28 hours and 45 minutes and it shall stay in this...more
Jul 2007Views : 3886The Impact of sub periodAbha BansalUttarkalamrita' written by poet Kalidasa states that if yogakarka Venus and Saturn both are exalted...more
Jul 2007Views : 3684Effects of Colors in AstrologyVinay GargChoice of color of a person reflects the status of his soul, body and mind. Many times we see that ...more
Oct 2007Views : 3578Nakshatra 2008Future PointIndian astrology has its genesis in Atharva Veda 3000 B.C., and is based on the relative position of...more
Oct 2007Views : 3674Effect of Saturn's Transit in LeoVinay GargIf your rising sign is Aries, Saturn has been transiting your 5th house of Creativity and love affai...more
Oct 2007Views : 3598Saturn - The Potential ForceK. SanthanamThe Lord Sun was married to Swarchala daughter of Dwashta and through her bore three children namely...more
Jan 2006Views : 3459Mundane AstrologyS.R. SwamyWe have discussed about the position of planets in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses in our previous issu...more
Jan 2006Views : 3442Knowledge, Education and AstrologyK. SanthanamAll education should primarily lead to upliftment of human beings. Education stems from two basic...more
Apr 2006Views : 3643Mundane AstrologyS.R. SwamyWe have discussed about the position of planets in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th houses in our pre...more
Apr 2006Views : 3472Knowledge, Education and JyothismK. SanthanamLet us study the following horoscope of a boy born on 10th September 1970: The Sun/Mercury conjunct...more
Jan 2012Views : 592Guiding Principles of Healthy ProgenyS.R. SwamyThe Academy of Vedic Astrology, Ahmedabad has organised an International Symposium on Astrological S...more
Jan 2012Views : 9033Guiding Principles of Healthy ProgenyS.N. KapoorThe Academy of Vedic Astrology, Ahmedabad has organised an International Symposium on Astrological S...more
Jan 2012Views : 4497Progeny by ChoiceSuresh Chandra MishraA worthy human life consists of fulfillment of desires which primarily concentrate around all worldl...more
Jan 2012Views : 22289Progeny by ChoiceKalpna TiwariA worthy human life consists of fulfillment of desires which primarily concentrate around all worldl...more
Jan 2012Views : 3747The role of Karma in programming the birth of a child astrologicalllyRoshan SinghThe Law o Karma : Our astrology chart is a map, plan and blueprint of our "Karma", which means "acti...more
Jan 2012Views : 19320The role of Karma in programming the birth of a child astrologicalllySharad TripathiThe Law o Karma : Our astrology chart is a map, plan and blueprint of our "Karma", which means "acti...more
Jan 2012Views : 3617Astrology - An Asset for AssessingK. SanthanamAll planets if placed with proper mode and in correct direction start possessing immense power after...more
Jan 2012Views : 14203Astrology - An Asset for AssessingT. S. VasanAll planets if placed with proper mode and in correct direction start possessing immense power after...more
Jan 2012Views : 23959Hints from Nadi AstrologyA. V. SundramWhen a prashana chart is cast based on a basic number up to 108 or time of query, lagna shows the qu...more
Jan 2012Views : 4450Hints from Nadi AstrologyP. V. VartakWhen a prashana chart is cast based on a basic number up to 108 or time of query, lagna shows the qu...more
Jan 2012Views : 4544Naadi System-Stellar EffectsN.V.R.A. RajaThe constellations have a major role to play in deciding the strength of the planets as far as the d...more
Jan 2012Views : 3175Naadi System-Stellar EffectsGayatri Devi VasudevThe constellations have a major role to play in deciding the strength of the planets as far as the d...more
Jan 2012Views : 3971Medical VaasthuV. KumarVaasthu is the only vedic science in which the role of our environment is well defined. The main aim...more
Jan 2012Views : 5777Medical VaasthuN.S. MurthyVaasthu is the only vedic science in which the role of our environment is well defined. The main aim...more
Jan 2012Views : 3565The Importance of VastushastraSuhas DongreThe state of the fourth house of a horoscope or question chart indicates ciearly whether or not a Va...more
Jan 2012Views : 4324The Importance of VastushastraSandeep V. BinodkarThe state of the fourth house of a horoscope or question chart indicates ciearly whether or not a Va...more
Jan 2012Views : 3677Ultimate cure of all sufferings-Sun light/raysPuneet VohraAstrology is an ancient science of predicting the course of human destiny with the help of indicatio...more
Jan 2012Views : 9841Ultimate cure of all sufferings-Sun light/raysKowtha Lalith ManoharAstrology is an ancient science of predicting the course of human destiny with the help of indicatio...more