Vaasthu Pariharas

Vaasthu Pariharas  

N.S. Murthy
Views : 5767 | January 2012

Like how Ayurveda treats the health of the people, Vaasthu Shastra treats the health of structure. We can even say that “Vaasthu is Ayurveda” for the property or the building. Vaasthu Shastra teaches you how to create “HEAVEN ON EARTH” in your own home and office. Vaasthu Shastra is an ancient Vedic science like Ayurveda, and is related to architecture and interior design. It explains the universal laws of nature. Like how Ayurveda treats the health of the people, Vaasthu Shastra treats the health of structure. We can even say that “Vaasthu is Ayurveda” for the property or the building. Vaasthu Shastra teaches you how to create “HEAVEN ON EARTH” in your own home and office.

In Vaasthu Shastra selection of site is very important. Any mistakes in selection of site the whole project will get into a problem. Then instead of getting good results, the people dwelling in the place will be getting devastating results. TRIDOSHAS OF PROPERTY : Vaasthu Shastra speaks more about Doshas in Bhoomi (site). There are many Doshas in Vaasthu Shastra. Out of which the three major important Doshas are as follows:

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  1. Bhoomi Dosha
  2. Jala Dosha
  3. Jana Dosha

BHOOMI DOSHA The properties which are near to: Church And Mosque, Kshudra Devatha Temple Forests Grave Yards, Crematoriums Mass murders, deaths on site Untimely deaths on site Near River, Sea or Ocean Snake pit on the site Near Kalyana Mantapa’s Near schools Near commercial complexes All these sites are to be avoided.

JALA DOSHA : If any water body like river, sea, water tank, canal, etc., is situated in the Western or Southern direction of the site, it gives bad results. Hence these sites to be avoided for construction. The water body in SE – Agneya, in NW – Vaayuvya, SW – Nairuthya, and in the center of South and West direction of the plot gives bad results to inmates / owner of the house, these sites should be avoided. The only auspicious Jala Sthana on the site is in the NORTH-EAST QUADRANT.

There should be no kind of stagnated water bodies near the house as it causes, health hazards, mosquitoes menace, bad smell, pollutes ground water and pollutes open/tube Wells JANA DOSHA Doshas in Horoscopes.

  1. When the 4th Lord is posited in Dusthana. .
  2. When the 4th Lord is on Dusthana Adipathi’s Nakshatra.
  3. When Dusthana Adipathi’s are posited in the 4th Bhava.
  4. Aspect of Dusthana Adipathi’s on the 4th Bhava.
  5. Aspect or association of Dusthana Adipathi’s on the 4th Lord.
  6. Papakarthari Yoga to 4th Bhava or 4th Lord.
  7. When the 4th Bhava is Daghda Rashi.
  8. When the 4th Lord is Ava Yogi.
  9. When enemy Graha’s are posited in the 4th Bhava.
  10. When 4th Lord is Neecha, Parama Neecha, or combusted.
  11. When 4th Lord is at Graha Yudha. Whenever there is a major Dosha in the 4th Bhava of the native’s horoscope, then the native should avoid owning or investing on land, property, building, etc.

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Alternatively the native can invest in their family member’s name, like Mother, Father, siblings, spouse, or children. ASTROLOGY AND VAASTHU SHASTRA Astrology is the base and life force of Vaasthu Shastra.

Vaasthu Shastra cannot live without Astrological base but Astrology can survive without Vaasthu.

  • When the native’s horoscope is beneficial and the native is living in a house of Vaasthu principles, it will act as an added advantage and it will double the benefits in the native’s life.
  • Whenever there is bad period in the native’s horoscope, but the native is living in a house with good Vaasthu, then the Vaasthu in the house will balance the bad effects.
  • Whenever there is good period in the native’s horoscope, but the native is living in a house with bad Vaasthu, then the horoscope will balance the bad effects.
  • Whenever there is a problem in the native’s horoscope and there are Vaasthu defects in the place the native is living in, then there will be devastating effect on life.

REMEDIES FOR VAASTHU DEFECTS There are many methods to remedy the Vaasthu Defects, they are namely:

  1. Astrology
  2. Vaasthu
  3. Tantra
  4. Yantra
  5. Feng Shui
  6. Numerology


  1. The Runanubandha from horoscope.
  2. To know the beneficial direction from the horoscope. Many remedial measures are given as per Astrology, to overcome the negative effects of the Vaasthu Doshas faced in the life of a person. Using Astrology we can perform: Homa/Havana,
  3. Ashta Digbandana,
  4. Vaasthu Pooja / Vaasthu Bhali,
  5. Yantra Stapanas,
  6. Yantra Poojas


  1. Water therapy,
  2. Plant therapy,
  3. Flower therapy,
  4. Mirror therapy,
  5. Horseshoe therapy,
  6. Agni therapy,
  7. Yantra therapy,
  8. Gem/crystals therapy,
  9. Music therapy,
  10. Mantra therapy,
  11. Picture therapy,
  12. Good deeds therapy,

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WATER THERAPY Water therapy has been used for centuries to heal the sick.

Hydro- and hydrothermal therapy – traditional methods treatment – used treatment of disease and injury by many cultures. Water therapy has been around for centuries. Rome, China, Japan, and Native American healing systems used therapeutic baths. Vaasthu has employed the therapy for remove its defects – because it has an absorbing effect of negativities at home.

• Water Body

• Bore well

• Under ground water Tank

• Fish pond

• Aquariums

• Fountains

Effects of water body in segment of: North-East: Prosperity to master, happiness, good education for children, gain respect, beneficial result in all respects because it is Jala Sthana.

South-East: Loss of luxury, disharmony between husband and wife. Delay in marriage. North-West: Unhappiness to females, mental anxiety, frustration, chronic health problems to females.

South-West: Health problem to master, losses, failures to master, chronic ailments to master, sometimes death even. PLANTS THERAPY Plantation of trees can make a big difference to our life, a barrier of shade giving, evergreens will be extremely effective.

East:. It is auspicious to plant colourful flowering plants, grow an herbal or vegetable garden or grow a small indoor garden .

South: Yama, the lord of both death and dharma (duty) is the ruler of South direction. It is auspicious to have heavier plants or tree in this direction like indoor palm or rubber plants or an umbrella tree in the South direction.

North: It is auspicious to grow medicinal plants and fragrant plants like pansies, ginger, red pepper and a few select seasonal flowering plants in the North direction.

West: It is auspicious to grow shade loving plants. General Tips for Plant therapy:

• Have fruit bearing trees along the South and West walls

• Place Money plants inside the home.

• Place Creepers in the interior & exterior of the home.

• Do not place plants with thorns FLOWERS THERAPY Another simple remedy is to have flowers in pots or vase around the house.

It is a form of vibration healing. Egyptian & Chinese manuscript says using the oil extracts from flowers were used to heal the sick thousand years ago.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

Flower therapy helps in reducing negative emotions & emotional imbalance, frustration, grief, mental shock, numbness. It helps in eliminating or controlling common behavioural negativities like suspicion, shame, guilt, arrogance, jealousy, fear, or phobia. Improves will power. MIRROR THERAPY Mirrors symbolize water and increase the space element. They reflect, deflect, expand, invert, reverse, absorb, and even dissipate subtle energies. Ideally, mirrors should go on the north and east walls of your home or office to expand the life-supporting energy coming from those directions. Mirrors can keep the energy flowing on walls facing entrances and at the end of hallways Mirrors should be on East & North wall.

HORSE SHOE THERAPY The horse shoe of a black horse is considered a good luck charm in many cultures. Horse shoe is placed at the outer entrance to a main Door. It effectively bars the ingress of Witches and evil spirits. It is regarded as a protective Talisman. It gives advances in business, avoids Evil entry into the house, negates the Evil sights, and Lucky engagements for woman. AGNI THERAPY Out of the five principle elements,

FIRE or Agni occupies the foremost place. Agni is the basis for evolution of this universe, Agni purifies and removes stains. Maintain Akhanda Jyothi with Til Oil in Pooja room daily and frequently performing Havana’s in the home & work place. It avoids entry of the Evil powers. And also burns away the Evil powers which are already present. YANTRAS Yantra is a Sanskrit word, ‘Yam’ means supporting the essence of an object or concept, ‘Tra’ or trana which means liberation from bondage. Yantras are great cosmic conductors of energy an antenna of nature, is the body or form of the deity Different Yantras attributed to different deities can be suggested to a person based on their horoscope.

CRYSTALSTHERAPY It is recommended to tie a White crystal (Spatika) with black sheep wool thread on the main door. Or to have a Maha Meru or Ganapathi in Spatika. Lucky Gems should be worn as per Horoscope MUSIC THERAPY The Music therapy is a concept which was discovered in the ancient Grecian Theory of music. Music therapy improves the quality of life for persons. It promotes wellness, Manage Stress, Alleviate Pain, Express Feelings, Enhances Memory, Improves Communication and Promotes Physical Rehabilitation. Wind Chimes near the main door inside/outside the house. The number of Pipes should be: a) As per a person’s Lucky number. MANTRA THERAPY The Mantra is believed to help a person to achieve their goals, to attain an altered state of consciousness.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

Mantra can be used in Verbal, Semi-Verbal, and Silent ways. Deities of the Lords of Fifth house & Ninth house in horoscope can be looked into which will indicate which deity to pray to for Upasana Mantra, Peeda Parihara Mantra or for Japa of Deities. PICTURES THERAPY Placing pictures of running water on West and South wall improves wealth. Pictures of a mountain, hills, small hillocks, which should show a water flow and should not have any stagnated water like pond or lake is to be hung on the West or Southern wall which is auspicious and brings good luck to the people in the house. Symbols of Om, Shree or Swastika should be placed in the house. GOOD DEEDS THERAPY Be Devotional, Worship God, give away charity (Dana), have Bhakthi, Shradda. Respect to Elders, Children, Father, Mother and Guru. Have Satwick meals. Get out of Ahankara and Self Cheating. You will be blessed with success even though Horoscope, Vaasthu (Dwelling house) are not favourable. Control Tongue, anger & restless thoughts.

Abstain from complaints, criticizing and condemning. Do not hurt anyone’s feelings. CONCLUSION To conclude, living with Vaasthu Shastra is a must for peace, harmony, good health, growth and prosperity in our life, relationships, and careers. Please follow these steps beforehand:

1. Seek advice from an Astrologer before you invest in any property.

2. Plan and place the construction of the building as per the dictums of Vaasthu.

3. Start the construction at an auspicious time by getting the best Muhurtha.

4. Place the Main door, Pooja room door, and casting of roof on auspicious Muhurtha.

5. Perform the Gruha Pravesha and necessary Pooja’s on auspicious Muhurtha for maximum benefits.

6. Seek an advice from Vaasthu consultant to remove the Doshas from already constructed buildings, by using the above mentioned therapies.

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