7b5b5b8 Rudraksha


S.R. Swamy
Views : 3566 | January 2008
Rudraksha is a Sanskrit word. If we split this word into two we get these two words Rudra and Aksha. Rudra means Lord Shiva and Aksha means Aansu(tears) of Lord Shiva. According to Hindu Mythology, tears of Shiva fell on earth in the form of Rudraksha tree. The Rudraksha tree belongs to Elaecarpaceae family and is as huge as the Banyan tree which has seed covered with pulp and outer skin. After drying, the skin turns black and grooves appear on the surface running from apex to the bottom, there by demarcating clear areas called ‘Mukha or faces’. The Rudraksha are classified on the basis of number of faces, which can range from one to twenty one. Sometimes Rudraksha are found in twins which are considered to be symbols of Lord Shiva and Parvati (Goddess). They are known as Gauri Shankar Rudrakshas. In the same way if three Rudrakshas are together they are considered the symbol of Shiva, Shakti and Ganesha or Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesh. But these types of Rudrakshas are very rarely available. Scriptures like Rudraksha Jabalopanished, Shiva Purana, Devi Purana and Padma Purana extol the value of Rudraksha seeds. In general all Gods are fond of Rudrakshas but it is believed that it is most favourite of Lord Shiva. Modern scientific research came out with positive results about Rudraksha. It is found that it stores electromagnetic properties, which influences human physiology. Each type of Rudraksha has its own influence and property. Rudraksha is worn to get beneficial results and is helpful in curing diseases like epilepsy, hypertension, blood pressure, stress, whooping cough, wounds. Wearing of Rudraksha not only pleases Lord Shiva but also brings blessings of Lord Vishnu, Durga, Ganesh and of Navgrahas (nine planets) it reduces the ageing process and gives peace and harmony in life. In Hindi, Bengali, Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Gujrati and Punjabi it is known by the name Rudraksha. In Tamil, Kannad and Telgu it is known as ‘Rudraksha Koti’ in English as Utrasum Bead and in Latin language it is known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrub Roxb. Rudrakshas can be found in India, Nepal, Tibbet, Indonesia, Sumatra, China, Jawa, Malaysia, Medagaskar, Pacific Ireland etc. It is produced in Nepal in abundance. One faced Rudraksha is the property of Royal family. So, it should be deposited in national treasure. If somebody would dare to sell it, he shall be punished. According to Hindu Mythology, Rudraksha of Nepal is best in the world. Goddess of wealth always stays in the house where Rudraksha is worshipped. Rudraksha frees you from all the sins committed knowingly or unknowingly. Rudraksha fulfils your aspirations. It prevents sudden death. It frees you from worries, satiates the wrath of Gods, eliminates diseases and brings auspicious results. It brings peace to home and causes mental peace. It is auspicious for business, wealth and prosperity. Controls temper and blood pressure. Wear Rudraksha for reputation, glory, name and fame. It enhances your will power and memory. It is highly beneficial for high blood pressure, stomach disorder and obstruction from spirits. Rudraksha can be worn by anybody irrespective of age, sex and Rashi (Moon Sign). It frees you from problems and brings gain of progeny. Rudraksha never causes any negative impact; it is beneficial in every condition. Pregnant woman feels secure, protected, and gets rid of any type of fear after wearing it. Rudraksha causes union in the family and enhances mutual love, affection and respect. It enhances attraction of personality. Rudraksha is the favourite ornament of Lord Shiva. One faced Rudraksha has all above-mentioned qualities. Name Benefits One Faced Health, General happiness, immense power, wealth, confidence and spiritual enhancement. Two Faced Marital happiness, Mental peace, prosperity, pleasure, contentment. Three Faced Victory over enemies, eliminates blood related diseases. Four Faced Education, knowledge, intelligence, concentration, sexual powers. Five Faced Education, knowledge, spiritual enrichment, power, wealth. Six Faced Happy Love life, sexual power, attraction. Seven Faced Removes malefic effects of Saturn. Eight Faced Eliminates diseases and malefic effects of Rahu. Nine Faced Improves your destiny and malefic impact of Ketu. Ten Faced Upgrades career, brings security, stability and success. Eleven Faced Gains, increase in income, property, glory. Twelve Faced Foreign travel, attainment of powerful position, pleasure. Thirteen Faced Attractiveness, fulfills desires. Fourteen Faced Spiritual enrichment, helpful in many diseases, power, authority, glory. Fifteen Faced Destiny, knowledge, power, prosperity, pleasure. Ganesh Rudraksha Eliminates obstacles, brings success, gives knowledge, intelligence. Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Improves Marital relationship, brings joy and happiness, enhances attraction. These Rudrakshas are highly effective for eliminating diseases as mentioned in the Table. Name Effect One Faced Right eye, head, ear, bowel and bones Two Faced Left eye, kidney intestines Three Faced Blood related diseases, hypertension, hypotension, disturbed menstrual cycle, weakness, depression, kidney problems Four Faced Schizophrenia Five Faced Diseases pertaining to lung, heart and blood Six Faced Hysteria, mental illness, epilepsy, all women related problems Seven Faced Impotency, cold, chronic disease, scarcity, worry etc. Eight Faced Cures all diseases, doesn’t let any disease come to you Nine Faced Mental fatigue, lack of energy Ten Faced Overcomes fear, respiratory diseases Eleven Faced Protects from accidents Twelve Faced Cures diseases of eye, head, bowel and bones Thirteen Faced Physical weakness, women related problems, mental illness Fourteen Faced Helpful in many diseases Fifteen Faced Cures all diseases
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