Prediction Techniques Issue

Prediction Techniques Issue  October 2008

Views : 6628
In this Prediction Techniques Issue of Research Journal of astrology there are various informative and research oriented articles related to prediction technique like - Cancer, diagnosis of Leukemia, The Upchaya Method, the Importance of lagna and lagna Lord, Validity of timing of events on the basis of natal moon, Navamsha, health and wealth: Mantra of vastu, Foreign travel yoga, Prediction from Suryashtak varga, Numerology and Health, Reasons, Symptoms and Remedies of Blood Pressure, Sun Ray Therapy, eyes and astrology, Gaya journey and gaya Shraadh by Lord Rama, Good Health, Diabetes: Numeropalmistry, and significance of Colors : An Astrological Analysis.
research journal is mainly astrological magazine in which you shall find research oriented articles on astrology.
