Progeny by Choice
Progeny by Choice

Progeny by Choice  

Suresh Chandra Mishra
Views : 4205 | January 2012

A worthy human life consists of fulfillment of desires which primarily concentrate around all worldly comforts. This mainly covers the three alshanas or aspirations, viz., the Lokeshana (desire for recognition or reputation), Vitteshan,i (desire to become wealthy) and Putreshana (desire to have progeny). Here we have to delve in to the specific canons of astrology which help us to determine whether the native can enjoy the bliss of fulfillment of Putreshana. The following is a methodical description for deducing the right moment of conception under astrological guidance. 

Moon and Mars: The Menstrual Cycle The classics reveal that in female natives, the Moon and Mars together are responsible for their menstrual cycle. The existence of this cycle is a prerequisite for conception. dqtsUnqgsrq izfreklekrZoe~A That is: 'Every month, females undergo the Aartava (bleeding) and this is because of the disposition of the Moon and Mars in natal chart as well as the then transit of Mars and the Moon. In this natural process, their cycle may vary by three days.'(Maasam, i.e., 75, divided by 12, with a remainder of 3, according to the Katapayadi method) We know that, having obtained adequate direction from the Pituitary gland, the hormones estrogen and progesterone in a female body undergo activation. This promotes the development of the internal layer of the uterus or womb. And that melts and flows out in the form of 'blood' if the ovum is not fertilized within the cycle. 

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An average period of the cycle (28 days) fairly corresponds with the duration of a sidereal lunar month (27 days and 7hours). Hence, in a female, the ability to menstruate depends on Mars and the Moon, respectively signifying blood and hormones. The transit of these two is also to be considered at the appearance of the menses. In a female chart, any relation between the Moon and Mars is mandatory for menstruation. In this connection, five types of planetary relations should be considered. These are: 1. Mutual exchange of rashis; 2. Mutual aspect; 3. Aspect from the dispositor; 4. Conjunction; 5. Placement in mutual Kendras or Trikonas. These relations should also be checked in Saptamsha (which indicates about comforts from descendants), navamsha (the soul of the chart) and Dwadashamsha (the division prescribed for parenthood). When the above-mentioned relation between Mars and the Moon is absent in a female's natal chart, the cycle remains disturbed and the capacity for childbearing is questionable. 

Jupiter and Venus: Ovum and Sperms In the female, under a natural process every month, the ovarian follicle ruptures and releases the ovum, which moves through either of the two Fallopian tubes toward the lumen of the uterus. The conception occurs when the ovum meets with the sperm. A fruitful union of the two depends on the coincidence of Aadhana (fertile sexual union) within a prescribed limit of time. However, the longevity of an ovum and sperrn, after their release, is estimated to be seventy two hours and thirty-six hours respectively, but the conception from an aged sperm and ovum may lead to abnormalities in a child, Therefore, an early meeting of the two is highly desirable. We know that Jupiter and Venus represent progeny as well as the generative organs, their adequate function and fertility According to Badarayana, 'From the natal Moon of a male, the Moon transiting in 3, 6, 10, 11 rash is, gives rise to a successful conception when it receives aspect from Jupiter or Venus,' Classics establish that a weak Jupiter for females and a weak Venus for males, particularly in houses 7 and 8, manifests as disturbed function of the ovary (factory of ovam) and testis (factory of sperms). 

Saturn and Gulika: Death and Birth Saturn and Gulika together signify the negative aspects of life, hence they are the Kaarakas of life and longevity, creation and annihilation, or birth and death in their interrelated forms. Saturn and Gulika, in a favourable disposition, are essential for these aspects. Saturn controls the nervous system and, therefore, a proper functioning of all organs depends on it. Classics reveal that Saturn alone can manifest bliss of parentage, altering any adverse planetary combinations for progeny. lkSjks·fi iqatUedj% izfn"V%A Sun: The God of Delivery In the Vedas, the Sun, being lord of generation, is described as the god of delivery of a child. It controls smoothness and success in this venture. It is stated thus in the Vedas: lfork izlokukef/kifr% l ekeoRofLeu~A That is: 'I (the expectant mother) pray to the Sun for bestowing the fullest protection upon me during pregnancy as well as at the time of delivery'.' 

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Although the Sun rules specifically over the fourth as well as the last month of pregnancy, a good disposition of the Sun is essential also for conception as well as a successful delivery. It has been thus made clear in an ancient classic: 'The Sun represents ability of conception, Venus the sperms, Mars the menses and the Moon the overall welfare of the foetus.' Mercury: The Umbilical Cord The umbilical cord is ruled by Mercury. Through this umbilical cord, the foetus gets life from the body of the mother. Hence, Mercury, being significator of our mind and brain, also represents the umbilical cord as well as the circulation of the baby, thus signifying a link between the mother and the baby. 

Child-Birth: A Composite Scheme It would now be apparent that the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn together render their support to the new arrival even as they determine the fixation of the moment of successful or fertile union. Therefore, the sages state that this entire creation or Jagat falls under the command of planets. They ranked all the seven planets as Month-lords for the first seven months of pregnancy and the Sun, the Moon and the lord of the lagna (at conception) have rule over the remaining three months. During pregnancy, a weak planet falling in association with Rahu/Ketu, Gulika or its dispositor, leads to trouble for the baby as well as for the mother. Detecting the Release of a Fertile Ovum We know that a female gf:neraliy produces one ovum a month while a drop of semen generally has thousands of sperms. 

During the process of ovulation, when the egg or the ovum sets out with aspiration of being united with one of the millions of sperms, one cannot predict the fate of that ovum. Whether it will fertilize or die before arriving at its destination is too difficult to say. It is commonly known that it comes out almost at the middle of the menstrual cycle. A simple way of fixing the day is in practice. When a female in the mornings tends to have her body temperature about 0.5 degree higher, that is the likely day of its release from the ovary. Although any sort of sensual play is prohibited during menses, but pregnancy (fertilization of j the ovum by the sperm) in this period is not impossible. Similarly instances of conception taking place in the last week of the cycle are not unknown. 

The classics state that 'For about three or four days, females undergo the bleeding every month. This cycle starts at around the twelfth year and stops around the age of fifty-one. In the case of a normal cycle, sages had considered prime likelihood of bearing a child right from the fifth to the twenty-first day of the cycle. Astrology might help determine the day of ovulation with some ease as well as accuracy. An Obvious Question Answered While several fertile couples enjoy their sexual life without any protection, not all of such sexual unions end up as conceptions. It is fate or destiny only that makes the ovum meet a lucky sperm! Sages establish that the planetary position at the commencement of menses is responsible for whether or not the ovum would successfully meet a sperm and end up fertilized. A successful conception is assured only when it is supported by a favourable planetary transit. The following description is applicable to those who are physically intact, with their generative organs anatomically and physiologically normal. Step-1 • Take note of the rashis (of the natal Moon) of the couple. 

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

• Erect a chart of the planetary position for the moment of starting of menses. 
• Check for whether the Moon transits in 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 rashis from the natal Moon of the female. 
• In that month, the ovum has great possibility of getting fertilized as and when the Moon establishes any of the above-mentioned relation with Mars. 
• Without relation with Mars, the ovum ends in nullity. Step-2 
• Similarly the Moon should transit in 3, 6, 10, 11 rashis from the natal Moon of the male. 
• The fertilization ensues when such a Moon establishes any relation with Jupiter and/or Venus. 
• Especially, relation of the Moon with a strong Venus is highly extolled. 
• Without relation with Jupiter/Venus, conception does not occur even if the couple enjoy sensual pleasures normally. • This method may be applied to check at the time of conception. 
• Contrary is the result if the Moon obtains a reverse position. In simple words, we can grasp the matter in this manner. When the natal Moon of the couple meets the above-mentioned conditions, they should proceed further for parentage. The Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus should be strong in disposition and free from any malefic conjunction. Any weakness of these planets may give rise to adverse situations in conception or in gestation. The Ovum Unites Sages state that the ovum can unite with the sperm when it appears on the day arrived at in a manner as follows. 
• Add together the longitudes of the Moon, Mars and Gulika at the moment when menses break out for the month. 
• Find the Nakshatra of the sum thus obtained and check whether it is associated with Jupiter. 
• Also find the nakshatra occupied by Jupiter at the same moment and its Trikona as well as the fourteenth nakshatras. 
• Now, thus, five nakshatras would be in hand. 
• When the Moon transits in any of these nakshatras, the ovum may be released from the ovary subject to its relation with Jupiter and Mars. Support from Venus will be an additional qualification.
• The ovum fertilizes when the male and female both fulfil the above conditions in regard to their natal Moons. • From the commencement of menses, four days are prohibited for conception. The day number should be known by repeatedly adding twenty-four hours to the time of menses. Alternate Method-1 
• Lagna at menses should be added to Yamakantaka (one-eighth part of a day or night ruled by Jupiter); 
• Consider rashi itself or navamsha rashi in the sum thus obtained; Alternate Method-2 Add Lagna, Yamakantaka, Gulika and the Moon at menses. Similarly consider the rashi in the sum for the Moon. Supportive Yogas The following Yogas at the time of commencement of the menses support successful conception: 

1. Conjunction of Gulika and the Moon; 2. Conjunction of any two of the fifth lords from the lagna, the Moon and Jupiter; 3. Conjunction of Mars and the Moon, 4. Mars aspecting the Moon. 5. Natural benefics in house 9, 6. Conjunction of Gulika and the fifth lord, 7. Aspect of the fifth lord on Gulika, 8. Any of the above in the navamsha, 9. Venus in house 5 or 1, 10. Lagna lord and Gulika in mutual kendras, 11. Jupiter in houses 1,5,7 or 9 12. Strong house 5 and its lord, 13. Mars in house 5 in Mesha, Simha, Vrishchika or Meena and aspected by or associated with Jupiter. These supportive yogas are also to be considered at the time of union. In absence of any supportive yoga at union, the conception may lead to a miscarriage.

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