Kaalsarp Yoga

Kaalsarp Yoga  

Amar Agrawal
Views : 4265 | January 2014

Kaalsarpa yoga is said to be formed if all the planets are situated on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis and fi ve houses on the other side of Rahu/ Ketu axis lie vacant. Strictly speaking Kaalsarpa Yoga does not fi nd a place in classical astrological literature. How this yoga gained currency and gathered a sinister meaning is still a unsolved riddle. As far as the defi nition of Kaalsarpa Yoga as given above generally holds good but it does not mean that the said Yoga is so dreadful as projected by fellow astrologers so as to create a sense of fear in the minds of common men. Some of the learned persons opine that if all the planets are situated between Ketu and Rahu this yoga does not exist. But irrespective of whether the planets are between Rahu and Ketu or Ketu and Rahu the Yoga technically exists. The general belief is that Kaasarpa Yoga is evil restraining all other good yogas present in the horoscope and those having Kaalsarpa Yoga in their horoscopes will have set-backs and reverses in life. Some says that this yoga is capable of nullifying the most powerful dhanayogas rendering a rich man poor. But it is not so.

In interpreting Kaalsarpa Yoga, consideration should be given to the houses which are mainly involved, eg.1st and 7th, 2nd and 8th, 3rd and 9th, 4th and 10th, 5th and 11th, 6th and 12th.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

In each case the results could be different depending upon other horoscopic factors i.e if Rahu/Ketu axis involves 1st and 7th house it is not good for marital happiness but this is natural behaviour of nodes.In case lord of 7th house or Venus is powerful and placed in any of favourable houses the evil results should not be predicted.Hence one thing is very much clear that kaalsarpyog does not cause any debacle but it is node's natural behaviour.Had kaalsarpyog damaging effect then in presence of strong 7th lord or Venus these are nullified is an indication that kaalsarp does not harm but other planetary position in a horoscope can be the cause of harm.This rule is applicable to each and every house.

Kaalsarpyog has its bright shades also. It makes one industrious, hard-working and aware of one's own mental abilities. It raises the native to top position in one's respective field provided of course other Raja yogas are present in the horoscope.

One thing worth mentioning is Rahu-Ketu axis favour rise in mundane life while Ketu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in spiritual matters.

Note: After reading above two paras one can conclude that Rahu-Ketu-Rahu axis is not bad at all as it is being labelled. One thing is worth remembering that suffering due to any reason strengthens the mind and mellows one's outlook. This is blessing of Kaalsarp yoga.

There are some important factors to be noted and given due importance:

(1) In kaalsarpa yoga horoscope, the evil gets intensified if the lagna is between Ketu-Rahu. But in case lagna and its lord are strong and well placed these results should not be pronounced.

(2) The evil gets neutralised if lagna is between Rahu-Ketu and lord of lagna is well placed in the horoscope.

(3) The yoga can be considered as defunct even if a single planet is with Rahu or Ketu or out side the Rahu-Ketu-Rahu axis. Thus it is very much loud and clear there is no place for "aanshik kaalsarp yoga".

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The original sloka refers to 'agrerahu' i.e Rahu must be the main or prominent planet meaning by the yoga is effective only if planets are between Rahu and Ketu. Another factor worth remembering is if the planet/planets associated with Rahu or Ketu are strongly disposed by being in its sign of exaltation or in its mooltrikona or in its own house the impact of Rahu and Ketu is nullified.

The common fear that if Kaalsarpa yoga is fully present in the birth chart the effects of other good planetary combinations get nullified, whereas this statement does not have any logic since kaalsarpa yoga itself does not harm but problem arises when the other planet/planets are not in state of delivering good results. These are horoscopes having complete kaalsarpa yoga but the native to whom chart belongs have progressed in every sphere of life.

NOTE: Here the studies have been restricted to the outcome of Kaalsarpa Yoga only:

ChartNo.1: Male Native


TOB:01:15, POB:Chandigarh.

This native has Rahu in 12th house and Ketu in 6th house and rest of the planets are scattered from house 1st to 5th house thus a complete Kaalsarpa yoga (as defined) is present. Native after doing his post graduation appeared for Punjab State Services and cleared the examination for Tehsildar.Got selected and doing very well.It was during Rahu's mahadsha.In this period native got married, was blessed with a daughter and a son.Very shortly he will be promoted as SDM.

ChartNo.2: Female Native


TOB:21:30, POB:Jullunder (Punjab)

Chart belongs to a female native.Rahu is in 2nd house and Ketu is in 8th house.Rest of the planets are disposed in sign Capricorn to sign Taurus hence the conditions for kaalsarpa yoga are fulfilled. Native did her graduation in medicines from India and for her higher studies she moved to Canada did her MD in Gynaecology and well employed in a hospital in Canada. Happily married to a well qualified doctor and having two kids.

ChartNo.3:Female Native

DOB15/02/1985, TOB:03:35,

POB: Rampuraphul(Punjab)

The native of this chart is having Rahu in 5th house in sign Aries while Ketu in 11th house in sign Libra.Rest of the planets are in sign Scorpio to sign Pisces thus the conditions are met with kaalsarp yoga in chart. Native did her BTech in computer sciences and after that went for MBA after completing her studies she is employed in a MNC and drawing a handsome package.

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Chart No.4:Male Native.


TOB:20/10, POB:Bombay.

This chart belongs to a male native with sign Aries rising in lagna.Rahu is in 11th house in sign Aquarius while Ketu is in 5th house in sign Leo. Rest of the planets are disposed between sign Virgo to sign Capricorn thus the conditions for kaalsarpa yoga are met . Native served in Indian army and retired as chief of Army.Was decorated with highest order of recognitions. After the retirement he got coveted political post and his last posting was as governor of Punjab and Chandigarh.


In all the horoscopes discussed, complete Kaalsarpa yoga is present.Inspite of kaalsarpa yoga all the natives did well in all the spheres of life. Hence it can be deduced that if otherwise horoscope is strong and it contain positive yogas kaalsarp yoga fail to do any harm. In case other planetary combinations are missing at the same time ascendant and its lord are weak and ill disposed one is likely to suffer and that too not due to kaalsarpa yoga but due to the weakness of referral houses and their lords.

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