Remedies for Finance

Remedies for Finance  

Yashkaran Sharma
Views : 13556 | April 2016

Remedies for finance

The best astrological remedial measures to control your financial position are as follows-

    1. Keep crystal sriyantra of around 350 grams at place of worship and chant srisuktam and laxmisuktam in front of it daily.

    2. Chant following mantra 108 times daily-

      "Om Shreeng Hreeng Shreeng Kamley Kamlalaye Praseed Praseed Shreeng Hreeng Shreeng Om Mahalaxmyai Namah"

    3. अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

      Chant Lalitasahstranaam daily.

    4. Wear cat's eye of chrysoberyl quality in the little finger of left hand on wednesday as it contains the power to protect from financial losses and uncertainties.

    5. Keep your house spotlessly neat and clean.

    6. Stay away from non-vegetarianism and alcoholism.

    7. Wear 1, 2, 6, 8 & 14 faced Rudrakshas.

    8. Observe fast on Friday. Do not eat sour on that day.

    9. Wear yellow sapphire studded in gold in the index finger of your left hand on Thursday morning to enhance you destiny.

    10. Offer water to Sun, Shivling and Peepal tree daily. This would bring good results for your professional life.

    11. Everyday perform hanuman pooja.

    12. On Saturday give oil for lord shani.

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    1. Keep fast and do Shiv pooja on Mondays during sawan month.

    2. Give one pair of shoes to a poor person on Saturday.

    3. While getting up in the morning look at your palms and kiss them three times, starting from Saturday and do not tell about it to any one.

    4. Stones have special place for peaceful and successful life.

    5. Make 108 balls of wheat while reciting Om hrim nameh lakshmi mantra 108 times and feed them to fishes. Do it for 108 days. Financial status will increase by this.

    6. Apply kesar and chandan on forehead.

    7. If earning is good and you are not able to multiply the income then give chapatti with oil applied on it to a black dog on every Saturday.

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    1. For gaining money suddenly give scented agartbatis in charity in goddess lakshmi temple.

    2. To get rid of loans bring water from a cemetery well and pour it in a peepal tree for 6 Saturdays.

    3. Give chapatti with oil applied on it to a black dog on every Saturday and fill coconut with bura or gur powder and bury it under a peepal tree.

    4. Plant two banana [ male and female ] trees in Vishnu temple and look after them. When they will start giving fruits then loan will start reducing. Do not eat the fruits of that plant yourself. Let others eat it.

    5. Every day give water to rising sun. put 11 seeds of red chilli in it, keep reciting Om adithyaye nameh while pouring water and pray for return of the loan.

    6. Apply kesar and yellow chandan on forehead starting from any shukal paksh’s Thursday at 12 am and do path of Shri suktam.

    7. Plant ashoka tree and water it daily.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

    1. Recite hanuman chalisa with the help of your family members daily for 108 times. And let this process continue for another 40 days. Observe brahmacharaya and keep your house clean in these 40 days. Also avoid food made of onion, garlic and non vegetarian food. After these 40 days bestow chola and halwa Prasad to Hanumanji in any hanuman temple on Tuesday. You will surely get benefit out of it.

    2. For improving business Tie 5 gomati chakras in a red cloth and tie it on the entrance of your shop or office on Friday after 11:30 am.

    3. For having better job Take a big yellow lemon and cut it in 4 equal parts in the evening or before sunrise and go to chauraha [ where four roads meet] and throw the pieces on all four directions. After throwing pieces go home and not anywhere else. Repeat this remedy for 11 days.

    4. Recitation of “Shree Sukta” 16 times daily.

    5. Recitation of “Mahalakshmi astakam” 11 times daily as goddess lakshmi is the goddess of wealth.

    6. Recitation of “Narsimha Lakshmi Karavalamban Stotra” for those who are under debts and want to improve financially, Reciting this will help you clear off your debts faster.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

  1. Recitation of “Runavimochana Narsimha stotra” daily will also help you get rid of your debts.

  2. Recitation of chapter 2 and 40 of “Navanath Bhaktisaar” will also help you to get rid of your financial problems, Do this recitation twice a day by lighting a lamp if possible.

  3. Worship of lord Dattatreya is most fruitful in kaliyuga for all types of problems and to get mukti from the cycles of life and births.

  4. workship of lord shiva is also fruitful remedy for financial problems as lord shiva was the one who made Lord Kubera rich.

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