Interesting facts about Palmistry

Interesting facts about Palmistry  

Future Point
Views : 7172 | October 2017

There are a total of 12 lines on the hand but only three of them are the major ones- Heart line, Life line and the Head Line.

Your writing hand describes you. Your left hand describes about your past whereas the right hand about your present life. However, the more active hand is read. That means, if you are a left hander, your left hand would be read and if you write with the right hand, right would be studied!

The small lines on the hands change every six months, except the ones of the thumb.

A hand should be studied only after a person is 18 years old because till then the lines don’t develop completely.

If your hands are big, you spend a lot of time thinking and if your hands are small, you are very active, spontaneous and restless.

If you have long fingers you are a perfectionist and tend to leave a task if you find it too simple, whereas if you have short fingers you are said to be impulsive and start new things before finishing the older tasks.

The best time to read palms, is in the morning when you wake.

The study of Palmistry was originated in India and later moved on to China, Greece and Ancient Egypt.

Large Palms show a intellect of respect, concentration to fact, technique and sort whereas Small palms shows an lively person, an power figure or somebody who comprehend government and the capability to rule, A decision-making power.

Medium-Sized Hands demonstrate an all round ability. When a medium-sized hands fingers are simply as long as the palm it symbolize a person who go with people who get on in trade, an individual who can do many things well but not any exceptionally well.

Medium-Sized Hands with palms long in contrast with the extent of the fingers demonstrates a person’s capability to make large plans consequently and get a grab on things well…though, with a hate to aspect.

Palms with the fingers comparatively much longer than the palm........They are known to be terrible planners. Even though they can’t map well they are supposed to end the whole thing they do. These communities will not ignore or overlook the least details.

Wide Palms & Narrow Palms - These are fit in to those who sense compassion and humanity towards others. They are capable to observe the other side of point as well as their possess on the other hand people with Narrow palms are serious and demanding by nature, these hands belong to those who see their own mistake rather than their most traits. A bizarre fact is that it is said the finest husbands and wives are not found with this type of hand.

Palms broad open with fingers well at a distance - It show somebody who is inventiveness, daring and has novelty whereas palms with fingers lock together show rule, a terror of penalty and a fearfulness nature.

Fair Palms & Cherry Palms - Another interesting facts about palmistry is that the fair type of hand is supposed to show a self-centered nature whereas red hands shows obsessive feelings mix together with annoyed emotions and great limits of liveliness.

Spongy Palms & Firm Palms - Soft palms point to somebody who might exist with a noticeable capability, and to somebody who works finest ‘in spasms’. And hard hands shows a adore of work and plenty of energy. These populace need to inquire themselves what they really want out of life and set an aim to meet that objective.

Square Palms & Pointed Palms - A sense of cause, correctness and practical knowledge…These show a being who has idealist and holiness thoughts. A being with this type of hand can’t be incorrect anyhow.

Great lines -One of the most interesting facts about palmistry is related to the lines on the palm. The lines of the palm are separated up into 12 sections, though at times only a few are accounted for. These 12 take in: existence Line, skull Line, spirit Line, fitness Line, destiny Line, celebrity Line, wedding Line, wealth Line, gender Line, strength Line, journey Line, fortune Line

It's not just the lines and mounts on the palm that reveal things about the personality, temperament and mindset of your subject. The shape and dimensions of the palm and the fingers as well as their color, temperature and texture, give a lot of insight into your subject's personality and character.

The best time to read a palm is in the morning, not long after the subject has woken up from nocturnal slumber and before he has had anything to eat or drink. This is so because consumption of food and participation in physical activities leads to increased blood circulation, which does not allow the very fine lines along the palm to get sufficiently noticed.

Although most of us are well acquainted with the six major mounts on the palm (the mounts of Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, Venus and Moon), some professional palmists also give a lot of emphasis on the Upper Mars (located between the mount of Venus and the Head-line/Life line junction) and Lower Mars (located above the Lunar mount, between the Heart and Head lines) mounts.

The area between the Head and Heart lines right under the mounts of Saturn and Apollo is known as the Plain of Mars.

The Heart line reveals the emotional aspects of the subject as well as his / her level of empathy.

The Head line reveals information about the subject's intellectual caliber as well as presence or absence of pragmatism and reasoning skills.

The length, breadth, color, texture and constitution of the Life line, indicates the length and quality of life (in terms of health and vitality) the subject is disposed to have.

The Fate line is supposed to be the most important line in the entire palm, as its presence, length and unbroken trail is considered a sign of brilliant luck and good fortune.

However, in case the Fate line is absent, broken or is too short or too weak, the Sun line (which can be found on the Mount of Apollo, rising up from the Heart Line, Head line or further down towards the ring finger) should be carefully examined. If it is found to be strong and prominent, the subject can still expect good luck and success in life, despite lacking a Fate line.

When studying the fingers, the thumb should be given a good amount of attention, as its shape, inclination and the size of each of its three phalanges in proportion to the others tells a lot about the subject's innate temperament. The top most phalanx is symbolic of will, the middle phalanx stands for logic, and the bottom phalanx spells out the emotional content of the subject.

Cheiro, the soi disant proponent of esoteric sciences who popularized palmistry in the Western world like no one ever had, was an Irish astrologer whose real name happens to be William John Warner! Cheiro is a sobriquet he is commonly referred to as, fashioned after the term cheiromancy, which is derived from Cheir Manteia, which the Greek term for palmistry, which roughly translates as hand divination! I bet you didn't know that!

The study of Palmistry originated in India and later moved on to China where it flourished more and then moved on to Greece and Ancient Egypt.

Some palmist have said that our left hand represents our past life while the right hand our present life. However, the more active hand is normally read. That means left for the ones who write with the left hand and right for the ones who write with the right hand.

Those with a big, large hands is said to be person who spends a lot of time thinking while someone with small hands is said to be a person who is very active, spontaneous and restless.

Those with long fingers are said to be near perfectionist and tend to leave a task if they find it too simple, whereas those with short fingers are said to be impulsive and start new things before finishing the older tasks.

The small lines on the hands change every six months, except the ones of the thumb. They remain the same forever.

The small lines change the way you think. Think positively even in the worst of all situations and see the change happening.

The less number of lines on your hand, the more lucky you are.

Palmistry or palm reading, is also known as chiromancy (the study of the lines of hand) or chirognomy (the study of the mounts of hand). Chirognomy is also the study of the shape, size, and appearance of our hand, including analysis of the texture, color and resiliency of our skin.

There are more motive and sensory nerves from our brain to our hand than to any other portion of the body.

The modern theory teaches us that the lines of our hands represent a graphic shorthand of the circuits of our brain. Our hands are controlled by the nerve group that located in the center of our brain, and all the electrical energies of the thinking pass through it. Many palmists also believe that the lines on our hands are formed in some relation to nerve linkages, thought patterns, or even chromosomal structures.

One of the first questions people always ask concerning palm reading is: Which hand should we look at?

Most palmists will examine your most active hand (the one you write with). It is the hand that tells our current and future trends whereas the passive hand tends to show our childhood. However according to Chinese palm reading, a man below 30 years old his left hand will be used for palm reading, whereas women below 30 years old then their right hands are referred for palm reading.

Generally, our passive hand is read for inherited characteristics and potential. And our active hand is read for changes to these inherited traits.

As a general rule, when the lines and markings on our passive and active hands are quite different, it means that we have actively worked toward self-development.

If you have a large hand (compared to the size of your body), you are considered as someone who spends more time thinking than acting. Similarly, if you have relatively small hand then you are more active and spend less time thingking about what to do.

Those who have long fingers are said to enjoy complex work, they pay attention to details and are quite patient. Sometimes they lose interest very quickly if their work is too simple. For those who have short fingers are almost the opposite, these impulsive people often start something new before they have finished the old task. Naturally, people with fingers that are neither short nor long will fall into a middle category.

In palmistry, our each finger represents a zodiac sign: Our thumb represents Venus, index finger: Jupiter, middle finger: Saturn, ring finger: Sun and Pinky represents Mercury.

The first thing to do when looking at any line in the palm is the depth and width. The line should be even in depth and width so that you can get an optimum reading. Generally, the stronger the line means more energy and interest in the subject of the line, and therefore the more important it will be in indicating what your life is all about.

The Life Line is known by many as the most important line on our hand. It is myth that if you have a short life line then it means you have a short life.

In palmistry, those cushion like developments on the edges of our hand and near our fingers are known as mounts. No matter what else changes in our life or in the actual lines on our hand, our mounts will not change. Even if we make a major shift in our career, personality, or love life, our mounts will be exactly as we see them at this moment.

Many of the most interesting people in the arts, literature, and science have well-developed mounts of Luna. And many people who work in the military, law enforcement and other careers that require courage have well-developed mount of Mars.

It is important to remember that our lines do change, and that where these lines start and finish is very important. Powerful practices such as yoga and meditation are known to have changed the patterns of your hand.

Of all the lines on your palm, the mercury line (or line of health) is the one most subject to change. As you achieve greater health then this line may fade away completely.

Historians believe palmistry originated thousands of years ago in India. During this time, the Hindu sage Valmiki wrote a book consisting of 567 stanzas titled “The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry.” The practice soon spread to other regions, including China, Tibet, Egypt, Persia, and many European countries.

The Middle Ages saw an emergence of the Catholic Church, which gave way to new laws arguably designed to keep the church in power. What’s the best way to keep yourself in power? Instill fear in anything that may question your authority, of course. Among these new laws was the prohibition of palmistry (known as chiromancy then).

The Catholic Church still views palmistry as a pagan superstition, classifying it as one of the seven forbidden arts. This fear-based ideology is thankfully becoming outdated, though there are still those too fearful to consider palmistry an “art”. Remember, even psychology was once considered a psychic art. Just because our limited understanding of science can’t explain how something works, does not mean that it doesn’t work.

It’s believed that an Irish palm reader named William John Warner (also known as Cheiro) popularized modern-day palmistry. Cheiro practiced the art in India, at which point he moved to London where he opened a palm reading shop. He read the palms of numerous famous celebrities, some of which include Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Grocer Cleveland, the Prince of Wales, William Ewart

Gladstone, and Joseph Chamberlain. Mark Twain even wrote in one of his books that Cheiro had “…exposed my character to me with humiliating accuracy“.

While different palmists have their own technique, most palm reading is done by classifying the client’s hand into one of the four elements: Earth, Wind, Fire or Water. Earth hands, for instance, are characterized by broad palms with thick fingers and rough skin. The distance from the wrist to the bottom of fingers is equal to the length of the fingers. Fire hands are characterized by a more boxy-shaped palm with a red or plush color and short fingers. Air hands are characterized by more of a square and shorter palm with long fingers. Water hands are characterized by having a rectangular and long palm with longer fingers.

The hand mirrors a person’s uniqueness, his abilities, his strengths and his weaknesses, talents and worries. We all have always been interested in knowing what lies in future for us. Palmistry is a science of the lines, mounts and depths of the hand which tell us a lot more about ourselves.

Hands can tell almost everything about you!

The less number of lines on your hand, the more lucky you are.

Don't touch the hand of the person who has come for palm-analysis. This is becuase the electric current of your body will come in contact wuth the current of his body and the genuine features of his hands will be lost. Therefore keep your hands folded while seeing any hand.

A hand should not be shown when it is very hot or cold outside. This is because the hand changes its color in extreme temperature conditions.

No person after taking drinks or intoxicants or in sub-normal conditions should go to the palmist.

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