

Sitangshu Dulal Mondol
Views : 2852 | October 2017

Vedas, the most ancient documents of Indian thought, culture and sacred lore pave the path of final release (Moksha) through righteousness. Knowledge (Vidya) provides direction for the human being to achieve his goal. The Vedas, the eternal source of knowledge provide specific guidance so that man can conduct himself successfully in various aspects of life.

Knowledge is two types "Paravidya" relating to the supreme consciousness, the Lord Almighty. "Aparavidya" relating to the Physical (Body), Intellectual (Mind) and Spiritual (Soul), aspects of human lives. The essence of Aparavidya preserved in the four Vedas Rig, Saam, Yajur, and Atharva, and in six 'Vedanga and in four Upavedas Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharvaveda and Sthapattyaveda. There are six "Vedanga"s the limbs of the Vedas, Shiksha, Kalpa, Vyakaran, Nirukta, Chanda and Jyotish.

Jyotish is considered to be the eyes of Vedas. There are about thirty 'Shloka's on Astrology in the Rig-veda, forty-four in Yajur-veda and one hundred and sixty-two in Atharva-veda. Puran's which also contain seeds of Astrology.

Scientific development envisages repetitive observations, the postulation of hypothesis and final outcome of principles. Astrology always lacked these basic ingredients and so became more of a myth and unable to defend itself from an onslaught of the non-believer. Vedic astrologers follow a rational procedure based on these five factors.

  • The Solar System
  • Zodiac
  • Stars(Nakshatra)
  • Time
  • Sign (the house)

The Hindu Sages divided the Zodiac of 360 degrees into twelve houses, these houses are (a) Aries, 0 degrees to 30 degrees (b)Taurus, 30deg. to 60deg. c) Gemini, to 90deg. (d) Cancer, 120deg. (e) Leo, up to 150deg. (f) Virgo, to 180deg. (g) Libra, up to 210deg. (h) Scorpio, up to 240deg. (i) Sagittarius, up to 270deg. (j) Capricorn, up to 90deg. (k) Aquarius, up to 90deg. (l) Pisces, up to 90deg., these houses are ruled by seven main Planets and two Nodes, namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, nodes are Rahu and Ketu. The planets (Graha) also evolve from the five elements of the Universe, Kshiti (Earth), Apa (Ether), Tej (Fire), Marut (Water), and Pavan (Air), and three Guna's (Quality) Satwic, Rajasic and Tamasic.

There are twenty-seven Nakshatras (Stars), Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra, Purnavasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purba-phalguni, Uttara-phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Moola, Purbashadha, Uttarashada, Shravana, Dhanistha, Satabhisha, Purbabhadrapad, Uttarbhadrapad, Revati.

Astrology is a science of wheels within wheels. A sign (Rashi) can be Sub-divided 150 parts. As per Shukra Nadi, Known as Hora, Drekkan, Navamsha, Trimshamsa, etc.

There are thirty Tithies, fifteen in Krishna Paksha (Dark-half) and fifteen in Shukla Paksha (Bright-half). Tithi is a Lunar day, therefore, we calculate the degrees Moon has traversed from Sun and divided the figure by twelve. Quotient plus one gives us the Tithi.

After new Moon (Sun and Moon conjunction) day, Moon moves away from the Sun is Shukla Paksha, and when in opposition with the Sun is called Full Moon day, and after full Moon day the Moon moves towards the Sun, it is called Krishna Paksha. the Tithis have been further classified as Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta and Poorna.

The Hindu's day begins at Sunrise and ends at Sunrise the next day. Sunrise to Sunset is day time and Sunset to Sunrise is night time, so, 'Hindu day' does not change at midnight.

As we all know an atom is a miniature horoscope, if analyzed properly it would be extremely useful to determine every aspect and purpose of life and society as a whole. Astrology prepares one to face life by giving the prior indication of future events and happenings. It is quite appropriate in today's scientific world to question these age-old processes, but while doing so, one should remember that the law of limitation applies to all professionals, the skeptics must not ignore the analogy of 'To err is human".

The main objective of prediction is simply to guide and create positive vibes in the minds of the people to avail of the advantages and benefits through the remedial measures to mitigate the anticipated evil indication. In the process, it suggests the use of Ratna (Gems), Mantra (Prayer), Aushadhi (Medicine). Astrology, being a subject of great depth, it can easily transcend all calculations and erudition.

The role of an astrologer is to encourage the subject (Person) to face problems with courage, earnestness, and enthusiasm. He must prepare them psychologically to meet the situation with courage and fortitude and console them with soft and soothing words to help them to become confident facing an approaching setback if any.

Also, we all should, the followers and the practitioners, try to join hands to research, revive, fathom the classical and the practical aspect of these great, value added, time tested and age old science, Astrology.

We must understand the maxim "When the student is ready the teacher will appear". ..

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