A Relook At Planetary Aspects

A Relook At Planetary Aspects  

O.D. Mande
Views : 5799 | April 2011

The customary practice of calculating the impact of mutual aspects of planets may lead to incorrect or totally different intrepretation of ground realities as it may be gathered from the example horoscope taken up here in the article for analysis because difference or wide gap between the longitude of such planets makes the real difference. Planetary aspects in a horoscope indicate the interplay of planets’ influence on one-another and the aggregate influence has an important bearing on shaping the native’s character and destiny. The common practice to evaluate the mutual aspects of planets is based on their relative placements in different houses of the horoscope. The same practice is followed to evaluate the aspects of planets on empty houses. But this simple practice can lead to incorrect/inaccurate evaluation if the gap between longitudes (only degrees, exclusive of signs) of aspecting and aspected bodies is wide.

This is best illustrated with an example horoscope (DOB 22 Jan 2000, 1640 Hrs, Delhi) shown below: At a glance, one may form the impression about (full) aspects as under:- 1. Rahu and Moon have aspects on Mercury, Sun and Ketu, and Vice Versa. 2. Jupiter has aspect on Venus. 3. Saturn has aspects, on Mercury, Sun and Ketu but no aspect on Rahu and Moon. But these aspects are not ‘full’ expect that of Jupiter on Venus as can be seen from the attached table showing longitude based aspects. The aspect of Sun on Moon is 85.45% while that of Moon on Sun is only 41.80%. The reason is obvious; the 7th house from Sun begins at 70 53’ in Cancer, extending up to 70 53’ in Leo, which covers both Moon and Rahu, but the 7th house from Moon begins at 250 20’ in Capricorn, leaving out Sun, Mercury and Ketu out of the zone of full aspect.

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In contrast to this, Rahu’s aspects on Sun and Mercury are above 90% as the 7th house from Rahu covers these planets. Rahu and Moon have, respectively, 100% and 67.66% aspects on Mercury, Sun and Ketu are far below 100% despite their placement in the tenth house from Aries. The above example brings out the importance of aspecting/aspected planets’ longitudes in the evaluation of aspects. It is desirable to have a look at longitude based aspects and then take a considerable view. With this approach, planetary aspects in the example horoscope would get reassessed as follows:- Rahu’s aspects on Mercury, Sun and Ketu remain ‘full’ but Moon’s aspects on Mercury and Ketu become half and on Sun less than half. Sun’s and Mercury’s aspects on Rahu and Moon remain full and so does that of Jupiter on Venus. Saturn’s aspect on Rahu remains full, becomes practically 2/3rd on Moon and negligible on Mercury, Sun and Ketu. Planetary aspects on empty houses can be evaluated in the same manner e.g. the aspect of Venus on ascendant is seen to be 83.14%; considerably below 100%.

In actual practice it may be necessary to assign reasonable ranges of percentage for full and partial aspects. viz aspect above 85% could be taken as full and below 85% but above 65% as 3/4th. Aspects less than 3/4th may be ignored. Conclusion: It is hoped that this paper would create awareness about the importance of longitude based aspects in the analysis of horoscopes. Longitude Based Aspects of Planets Aspected Longitude Aspecting Body’s aspect (%) Body in Rasi SUN MOON MARS MER JUP VEN SAT RAH Asc 230Ge29’ 52.04 ----- 44.77 37.80 59.21 83.14 100.00 ----- 2nd from Asc 230Cn29’ 86.99 ------ 10.46 90.55 57.89 58.14 59.20 ----- 3rd from Asc 230Le29’ 61.99 ------ 97.39 65.55 65.79 33.14 38.40 100.00 4th from Asc 230Vi29’ 36.99 23.46 97.39 40.55 68.43 8.14 23.19 47.36 5th from Asc 230Li29’ 11.99 71.92 47.39 15.55 82.89 ----- 94.20 63.82 6th from Asc 230Sc29’ ----- 51.54 22.39 ----- 57.89 ----- 94.20 63.82 7th from Asc 230Sg29’ ----- 3.08 ----- ----- 82.89 ----- 44.20 44.72 8th from Asc 230Cp29’ ----- 93.84 ----- ----- 7.89 16.86 94.20 88.82 9th from Asc 230Aq29’ 13.01 76.54 ----- 9.45 ----- 58.72 ----- 63.82 10th from Asc 230Pi29’ 51.02 51.54 2.61 43.90 ----- 58.72 ----- 63.82 11th from Asc 230Ar29’ 61.99 26.54 30.23 65.55 ----- 16.28 ----- 13.82 12th from Asc 230Ta29’ 23.98 1.54 97.39 31.10 17.11 67.45 5.80 --- Sun 70Cp53’ ----- 41.80 ----- ----- 20.90 3.85 32.21 92.68 Moon 250Cn20’ 85.45 ----- 16.62 89.01 56.35 56.60 67.66 ---- Mercury 120Cp09’ ----- 56.03 ------ ----- 17.34 7.41 28.65 98.27 Jupiter 20Ar32’ 66.80 43.65 10.51 59.69 ----- 50.25 ----- 80.93 Venus 30Sg15’ ----- 36.80 14.25 ----- 99.75 ----- 61.06 61.36 Saturn 160Ar32’ 67.79 32.34 21.82 71.35 ----- 27.87 ----- 19.62 Rahu 100Cn05’ 98.17 ----- 17.13 93.09 69.07 69.32 100.00 ----- Ketu 100Cp05’ ----- 49.12 ----- 6.84 19.07 5.68 30.38 100.00

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