Varshphal 2015
Varshphal 2015

Varshphal 2015  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 5394 | January 2015

People in general always wish to know what would be the position of Monsoon, Sensex, Gold and Dollar in the New Year. Here in this article we are predicting about all these things as per astrological analysis of planetary transit, Nakshatra, Rashi and Yoga.

♣ Gold ↓

Gold would continue to shine in the year 2015. Prices would go up in the month of January and come down in March- April. It is auspicious to buy Gold at the end of March and April because prices might go up again in the month of May. From June to August there would remain stability in its price. By the end of August prices might fall but in September again there would be an increase. After that there shall be slight correction in the month of October and the prices would remain stable in November-December. In nutshell we can say that Gold price won't go down but it will keep shining throughout the year.

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♣ Rainfall ↓

In this year in the month of April, May and June there shall be very less rain as compared to the previous year. However, good arrival of monsoon in the first week of July would change the equation there by giving sufficient rain in July, August and mid of September. It won't be raining throughout the year but might be raining heavily in the rainy season. In general we are going to witness enough rain in totality. There would be probability of floods in the month of July and August because of excessive rains. It might rain hardly in the second half of September. Monsoon would come to an end completely in the 2nd week of October. .

♣ Sensex ↓

Those who are in the business of Share market should remain cautious in terms of investment in shares in 2015. Like 2014 Sensex won't jump in 2015. In the mid of the year it shall go to its minimum level. In February it would go down substantially but then recover again in March. By the end of March there is an indication of fall with recovery again in April. May shall again witness some fall with some correction in June and might reach to its minimum in July. Towards the end of the year it will start going up. It would remain bullish primarily in October, November and December. Therefore sell it in January, April and November-December and buy in February, June and July.

                    ♣ Rashiphal 2015 ↓



♣ Aries ↓
Next 2 years are problematic for your physical and mental health. The combined impact of transit of Jupiter and Saturn on your 10th house shall bring in auspicious results like sudden financial gains, attainment of inherited property, success in research work and upgradation or promotion on professional front. Those who are unemployed might get employment. There is probability of your becoming a power house means you might be getting some bigger post of responsibility. The latter half of the year is auspicious for educational upgradation and happiness from children.
♣ Taurus ↓
You shall be getting auspicious results like matrimonial development, new partner, success in foreign trade, development of destiny. Inclination towards spiritual practices like learning meditation, Yoga & scriptures etc. is indicated. Those who are unmarried might get married. You shall attain blessings of God. Marriage or partnership before July 2015 shall prove favourable for the development of destiny. The latter half of the year is giving indications of investment on property and vehicle. In general it would remain auspicious but you are advised to look after the health of your spouse.

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♣ Gemini ↓
You can expect auspicious results like sudden financial gains, attainment of inherited property, success in research work, competition, job & good harmony with colleagues. Time period is not very auspicious for health and happiness. The latter half of the year is giving strong indications of increased interests in social activities with enhancement of social reputation.
♣ Cancer ↓
You shall be getting auspicious results like educational upgradation, attainment of power or position, improvement of love life, matrimonial development or marriage etc. You shall be happy with the progress of your children. In business you are likely to get into new partnership too. You shall be taking interest in some kind of consultation work or speculation etc. too. The latter half of the year would prove auspicious for prosperity and progress of family.
♣ Leo ↓
Double transit impact shall activate 4th & 6th house. You shall be getting auspicious results like development in matters related to property, gains from mother and motherland. You might purchase new plot, house or vehicle etc. Success in competition, job & good harmony with colleagues is indicated. You are advised to look after your health. You would be able to control unnecessary expenses in the latter half of the year with an indication of restoration of your reputation.
♣ Virgo ↓
Double transit impact shall activate 3rd & 5th house. You would become more effortful and enterprising. You shall be getting auspicious results like improvement in social life, increased social activities, educational upgradation, attainment of power or position, development of destiny and improvement of love life. You shall be happy with the progress of your children. The latter half of the year is giving indications of long journeys including foreign journey and your expenses are likely to increase.
♣ Libra ↓
You shall be getting auspicious results like increase in saving potential, expansion in family, getting new jewellery, vehicle, and property etc. You shall be satisfied with development in matters related to property and there shall be gains from mother and motherland. This time shall prove auspicious for your family, finance, mother and movable or immovable property. You are likely to generate a new source of income in the 2nd half of the year.

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♣ Scorpio ↓
Scorpio : Double transit impact shall activate your 1st & 3rd house. Your credibility as a professional shall increase and it is the time period to project yourself as a power centre. You would become more effortful and enterprising. Improvement in social life and increased social activities etc. is indicated. You might get tempted to participate in social activities actively. You would earn name and fame by the end of the year.
♣ Sagittarius ↓
Your expenses and income shall be increasing in equal proportion. You shall be travelling extensively. Although expenses shall increase however, the saving potential shall also improve simultaneously. You might go abroad and this is a good time for getting benefitted from foreign connections. This time is auspicious for family life & jewellery also. You would be interested in religious activities and find substantial development in your destiny in the 2nd half of the year.
♣ Capricorn ↓
You shall be able to generate new source of income. You shall be happy with the progress of your children. In business you are likely to get into new partnership too. You shall be taking interest in some kind of consultation work or speculation etc too. There would be health related tensions in the latter half, however sudden financial gains and acquisition of inherited property is indicated. You would be interested in activities like research work etc.

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♣ Aquarius ↓
There shall be stability and betterment on professional front with enhancement of reputation. You shall be spending money on travelling and might go to distant places or abroad on account of work. The latter half of the year is giving indications of matrimonial development and good news of child birth or gains from children.
♣ Pisces ↓
You would be generating new source of income. This year is highly auspicious for the consolidation of income. You shall succeed in making spiritual progress. You would get rid of Dhaiya of Saturn and therefore favour of destiny can be expected. Be cautious about your health in the latter half of the year and take decisions regarding enemy, diseases and legal matters carefully.
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