Progress in Life Due to Panch Mahapurush Rajyogas

Progress in Life Due to Panch Mahapurush Rajyogas  

B.L Sharma
Views : 41555 | April 2006

Persons having Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga in their birth charts get good jump in life and progress well during dasa, antardasa of planet causing this rajyoga. Definition of Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga is very well defined by ancient astrologer Acharya “Varahamihir” in Chapter 68 of Vrahat Samhita. As per his definition -Five planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn; when placed in kendra and either in their own house or in the house of exaltation form Panch Mahapurush Rajayogas. One more condition is mentioned in the said rules that Sun and Moon should also be powerful for getting full result of this rajayoga. Names of these Rajayogas are given below :

(1) Hamsa Yoga :Jupiter placed in its own house or in house of exaltation in Kendra forms Hamsa Yoga . Hamsa yoga is possible in respect of ascendants of all common signs and movable signs -named Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The strength of the yoga is dependent on strength of lagna and Jupiter. Tenth kendra is most powerful. As per Vedic Astrology the persons having this yoga will have markings of lotus, fish and ankush on their legs. It is to be verified in actual cases.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

A person having this yoga will posses handsome body, he will be liked by others and will have a righteous disposition.

Following persons are having this rajyoga :

(a) N. Chandra Babu Naidu Ex-Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh was born on 27.04.1951 with Aries lagna and Sagittarius Rashi. He earned fame on account of Hansa Panch Mahapurush yoga. However he is also having Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga in lagna. He is likely to come back to power in next election. He has Jupiter in fourth house from Rashi.

(b) Ex-Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral is a very good example of this yoga. His D.O.B. is 04.12.1919 with Cancer lagna and Aries Rashi. In his case Jupiter is in exaltation in lagna, it is also in Kendra from Rashi. He is also having Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga in 4th house. He became Prime Minister of India during Jupiter Mahadasa that formed Hamsa Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga.

(c) Ms. Jayalalita C.M. of Tamil Nadu was born on 24.02.1948 in Gemini lagna and Leo Rashi. She has Hamsa Yoga in seventh house. She is also having Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. She became C.M. twice due to such powerful Rajayogas.

(d) Priyanka Gandhi, daughter of Sonia Gandhi was born on 12.01.1972 in Gemini lagna and Scorpio Rashi has Hamsa Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga in seventh house. She is likely to come to power. She is having Mahadasa of yoga karaka Venus, lord of fifth house placed in ninth House at present.

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(e) V.P. Singh Ex-Prime Minister of India was born on 25.06.1931 in Cancer lagna and Libra Rashi. Jupiter in Cancer in exaltation gave him such a high position due to Hamsa Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga.

2. Malavya Yoga : When Venus is placed in Kendra in its own House or in House of exaltation, it forms “Malavya” Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga. As per vedic astrology this rajyoga gives the person good physique, strong mind, wealth, happiness with children and wife. He will command vehicles and will be renowned and learned. It makes him immensely rich and gives him name and fame. Malavya yoga renders fortune with all indications of Venus.

While Hamsa and Malavya both are Rajayogas; the former makes one more idealistic, spiritual, broad minded and selfless; the later indicates love of pleasure and materialistic outlook of life.

(a) In above examples Inder Kumar Gujral is having Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga in addition to Hamsa Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. Similarly Jaya Lalita is also having Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga in tenth House. Venus in exaltation in Meena in tenth gave her luxurious life with all comforts of life, name, fame.

(b) Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Congress president was born on 9.12.1946 in Cancer lagna and Gemini Rashi. She is having Venus in fourth house (Kendra) in its own house forming Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. This Rajayoga gave her luxurious life with all comforts of life, name, fame.

(c) Medha Patker (Narmada Andolan Leader) was born on 1.12.1954 in Capricorn lagna and Rashi. She is having Venus in its own house in tenth house forming Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. She is also having Hamsa and Shash Panch Maha Purush Rajayogas. She earned name and fame in “Narmada” struggle. She is having favourable time at present and is likely to get good position in government. She may join some political party.

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(d) Shri K.R. Narayanan Ex-President of India was born on 4.2.1921 in Cancer lagna and Dhanu Rashi. Venus is in exaltation in Kendra in fourth house from Moon and formed Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. Result of rajyoga is known to everybody. He became President of India.

(e) Shri Sharad Pawar was born on 12.12.1940 in Scorpio lagna and Aries Rashi. He is having Venus in Kendra seventh house from rashi in its own house . It formed Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga.

(f) Shri Arun Kumar Bansal a famous astrologer and computer engineer was born on 13.12.1956 in Leo lagna and Aries Rashi. He is having Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga in seventh house from Rashi. It gave him name, fame and luxurious life with devoted life partner.

(g) Famous film Star Dharmendra was born on 8.12.1935 in Scorpio lagna and Mesh (Aries) Rashi. He is having Venus in seventh house (Kendra) from rashi in its own house that formed Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. He is also having Ruchaka and Shash Panch Mahapurush Rajayogas in his birth chart. He earned name, fame in life with all comforts. He is having a most favourable time at present.

(h) Famous film Star Madhuri Dixit was born on 15.05.1966 in Dhanu lagna and Meena Rashi. She is having Venus in exaltation in 1st house from rashi. It has formed Malavya Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. It gave her name, fame and all comforts of life. Her Venus Mahadasha period would be from 24.11.2011. It may bring her in film line again.

(3) Bhadra Yoga : When Mercury is placed in Kendra in its own house or in exaltation Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga is formed. The person born in this yoga will be strong, will have lion like face, well developed chest, well proportioned limbs, will help relatives and have a long life span. Mercury is a planet of intellect and in consonance with the Inherent nature of Mercury, the person would be intelligent. A few examples of Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga are given below :

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(a) Dr. Man Mohan Singh, Prime Minister of India was born on 26.09.1932 in Sagittarius lagna and Cancer Rashi and is having Mercury in Virgo in tenth house in its own house that has formed Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. He is having Rahu Mahadasha and Mercury antardasha up to 7.2.2007. He got Prime Minister’s post during Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha. Mercury formed this Rajayoga and gave him very good jump in life. He is also having Shash Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga from Rashi.

(b) Smt. Maneka Gandhi Ex Minister, Govt. of India was born on 26.8.1956 in Cancer lagna and Pisces Rashi. In her horoscope, Mercury is in seventh house in its own house from Rashi that has formed Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga.

(c) Sant Shri Morari Bapu was born on 25-09-1946 in Virgo Rashi and has Mercury in Virgo Rashi. It formed Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga. He has become a famous saint attracting thousands of devotees in his bhajans. Mercury is exalted in Virgo.

(4) Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga: When Mars is in Kendra in exaltation or in its own sign, it forms Ruchak Mahapurush Rajayoga. A person having Ruchak Rajyoga will have strong physique, fame, he will be equal to a king or a king. He will have ruddy complexion, attractive body, charitable disposition, wealthy and long life, may be a leader of an army, Ruchak Rajyoga gives martial tendencies, an aggressive but a patriotic person.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

A few examples of Ruchak Rajyoga are given below :

(a) N. Chandra Babu Naidu Ex C.M. of Andhra Pradesh, whose birth details are given in above paragraphs, has Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga in lagna. His actions have martial tendencies and he is highly aggressive. Hamsa and Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Rajyogas present in his chart gave him the jump in life. At present he is having Jupiter mahadasha. He is likely to come to power again in next election.

(b) M. Karuna Nidhi Ex C.M. of Tamilnadu was born on 3.6.1924 in Cancer lagna and Taurus Rashi. He has Mars in exaltation in seventh house. It has formed Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga. He is also having Saturn in fourth house in exaltation which has formed Shash Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga. Both these Panch Mahapurush Rajyogas gave him the post of Chief Minister of a state.

(c) Film Star Dharmendra has Mars in exaltation in 10th house from rashi forming Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga. He is called “He Man” of Hindi Films.

(d) Film star Rajni Kant was born on 12.12.1950 with Leo lagna and Makar Rashi with Mars in exaltation in rashi that formed Ruchak Panch mahapurush Rajyoga.

(e) Film Star Shahrukh Khan has Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga. He was born on 2.11.1965 in Leo lagna, Capricorn Rashi and has Mars in fourth house that has formed Ruchak Panch mahapurush Rajyoga in addition to Shash Panch mahapurush Rajyoga.

(f) Famous cricketer, Kapil Dev was born on 5.1.1959 in Libra Rashi. He has Mars in seventh house from Moon in Aries in its own house that has formed Ruchak Rajyoga. It gave him name, fame and wealth. His nature is martial on account of Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga.

(5) Shash Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga: It is formed when Saturn is placed in kendra in its own house or in house of exaltation. Such persons command good servants. Their character could be questionable. They covet other’s riches and will be wicked in disposition A few example of this yoga are given below :

(a) M. Karuna Nidhi Ex C.M. Tamil Nadu has Saturn in exaltation in fourth House. It formed Shash Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga that gave the post of C.M. and wealth.

करियर से जुड़ी किसी भी समस्या का ज्योतिषीय उपाय पाएं हमारे करियर एक्सपर्ट ज्योतिषी से।

(b) H.D. Deve Gowda Ex Prime Minister of India was born on 18.5.1933 in Cancer lagna. He has Saturn in its own House in seventh house. It formed Shash Panch Mahapurush Rajayoga which gave him the post of Prime Minister.

(c) Film star Dharmendra whose birth particulars are given earlier has Saturn in fourth House in its own House. It has formed Shash Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga.

Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga alone may not be able to give full results unless the planet causing rajyoga is yogakarka for birth chart and Moon & Sun are also powerful. Overall strength of birth chart may also be judged before giving judgement.

It is also worth remembering that the planet forming rajayoga may be helpful during its mahadasha Period.

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