Debilitated Planet is No Problem

Debilitated Planet is No Problem  

Sharad Tripathi
Views : 37648 | July 2004

In general, debilitated planets are considered as 'First Rate Malefics' and also a benefic planet. If debilitated, the planet is supposed to harm those planets and houses it is joined with, or aspects. Debilitated planets are also supposed to ruin and destroy those things which they rule, or fall in their houses, navamanshas and nakshtra. obviously if in the horoscope of any individual, any planet is found to be placed in a debilitated position, the native becomes very apprehensive of it's outcome. Therefore, there is a need to understand the condition, or combinations which actually reduce the ill effects of a debilitated planet and form Neech bhang Raj Yoga.

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While in Western astrology there is nothing like Neech bhang Raj yoga, in Hindu astrology such yogas have their own importance and their influence on a native and his life is always felt. In this article, few such yogas are discussed for the benefit of all those who believe in Hindu astrology. Mantreshwar, in his famous treatise Phaldeepika writes:

नीच स्थितो जन्मनि यो ग्रहः स्यातद्राशिनाथोऽपि तदुच्चनाथः।
स चंद्रलग्नाद्यदि केंद्रवर्ती राजा मवेद्वार्मिक चक्रवर्ती फलदिपिका

This verse means that if a planet is debilitated in sign and the lord of that sign, or the lord of exalted sign of that planet be placed in an angle (Kendra) from either the moon sign, the native will become a religious, all powerful and supreme king. For example see the horoscope of Bill clinton, former president of U.S.A. In the above horoscope Venus is debilitated. Jupiter is the lord of Pisces, which is exalted sign of Venus. Jupiter is placed in the seventh house from Moon i.e. it is in an angle (Kendra) from moon. Therefore, debilitation of Venus has been cancelled and a Neech bhang Raj Yoga has been formed. Another verse in phaldeepika goes to state :

मद्येको नीचगतस्त द्वाश्यधिमस्तदुच्चपः केन्द्रे।
यस्य स तु चक्रवर्ती समस्त भूपाल वन्दाघ्रिः (फलदीपिका)

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

Meaning thereby "if both the lords of debilitated sign and that of debilitated planet's exalted sign be posited in an angle (Kendra) the native will become a supreme king. In the above horoscope of Bill Clintion, the lord of Venus 'debilitated house Virgo is in Cancer and lord of Venus' exalted sign pisces is in Libra. Cancer and Libra are mutually in an angle (Kendra) the debilitation of Venus is cancelled and a Raj Yoga has been formed. Discussing the Neech bhang Raj Yoga. Mantreshwar further writes :

यस्मिन्नाशौ वर्तते खेचरस्तद्राशीशेन प्रेक्षितश्चेत्सरोवरः।
क्षेणीपालं कीर्तिमन्तं विदहयात् सुस्थानश्चेत्किं पुनः पार्थिवेंद्र।।

This verse means that "if a debilitated planet is aspected by the owner of the said debilitated sign, the native will become a famous king and if it is a good house the native will undoubtedly be come a king, or a queen, or an emperor. for example see the horoscope of Queen Elizabeth II. In the horoscope of Queen Elizabath II, Jupiter is placed in Capricorn, which is it's debilitated sign. However, the lord of this sign Saturn is placed in Scorpio and aspects Jupiter through it's third aspect. Therefore, debilitation of this planet stands cancelled and along with exalted sun and mars strong Raj Yoga is formed. In yet another famous treatise 'Jatak Parijat' Shri Vaidyanath Dixit writes :

नीचस्थितः गृह नवांशपतौ त्रिकोणे, केंद्रऽथवा चरग्रहे यदि जन्मलग्ने।
तड्वपे चरगृहांश समन्विते वा जातो महीपतिरति प्रबलोऽथवा स्यात्।। -जातक परिजात

The rule laid down in this verse is that in case a planet is debilitated and the ascendant (Lagna) be a moveable Sign ( of Zodiac and if the lord of Navamansha sign occupied by the debilitated planet be placed in angle (Kendra) or Trine (Trikona) from the ascendant, this debilitation is cancelled and a strong Raj yoga is formed. In this case even if rising sign is not a moveable one, but if it's lord is posited in a moveable sign, or Navamansha, the debilitation of cancellation takes place and strong Raj yoga is formed.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

The readers will find that this rule also applies fully in the horoscope of Bill clinton, the former president of USA. In his horoscope, Venus is debilitated, but lord of this debilitated sign is in a moveable sign (i.e. cancer) from the Navamansha. it will also be observed that debilitated Venus is in Gemini Navamansha, lord of which is Mercury, that is placed in a moveable sign, which is again fourth from Moon, ie. an angle from moon.

So debilitation of Venus stands cancelled and a strong Raj yoga is formed. While in various works of Hindu astrology, a number of neech bhang Raj yogas have been mentioned by the scholars of different times, to sum them up in a short article like this, it may be concluded thus : 1. A debilitated planet aspecting another debilitated planet. 2. If a debilitated planet aspecting in any of second, third, fourth, ninth, tenth and eleventh houses. 3. If a debilitated planet is exalted in Navamansha. 4. If any of the owners of debilitated, or exalted sign of depressed planet be placed in an angle (Kendra) or trine (Trikona) either from ascendant, or from Moon and 5. Where ascendant is a moveable sign and it's lord also occupies a movable sign, or navamsha and navamsha lord of debilitated planet is placed in an angle, or trine from ascendent or Moon sign. 6. This debilitation of a planet stands cancelled and a strong Raj yoga is formed.

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The principles laid down here are the general principles of predictive astrology, which should always be used in judging the effects of planets, which otherwise seem awkwardly placed. The Neech Bhang Raj yogas are a purely Hindu conception and such yogas are more powerful than simple Raj yogas. so one need not worry, for such yogas have the capacity to raise the native from the lowest rung of ladder to the highest. So when you come across a planet in a horoscope next time, tell the native that what is apparently a weakness in the birth chart is really it's strength and he should view these combinations not as a threat, but as an opportunity and the here lies the very purpose of Indian astrology and works explaining it's concepts

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