Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips  

Gopal Sharma
Views : 3432 | October 2007

There are limited options available to city dwellers; and even a planned construction of a house or a work place is not perfect because of the levels in and around the plot, shape of the plot, number of roads and direction of the roads adjoining the plot, other surroundings as also the strict. Yet it is true that immense benefits can accrue, provided the Vaastu guidelines are followed. It is advisable to consult an enlightened Pyra Vaastu and Feng-Shui practitioner, but some useful tips and practical illustration of principles of Vaastu/Feng Shui are given here, to add to your Health, Wealth and Happiness.

First impressions are extremely important in Vaastu/ Feng-Shui. It is important that what you first see is beautiful & enlightening, such as a painting, fountain or something visually elevating. When you first walk into your residence, your first experience will be one of the strongest filters that your subconscious mind will receive. This first impression can affect the over all feeling and indicate the energy level of any space. Make that first eye contact a powerful & beautiful impression for yourself.

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In your office, you should always sit with a solid wall behind your back and as far from the gate as possible to have support from boss, colleagues & friends. Having a gate, window or glass behind the seat of a person can lead to treachery against him. In such a situation, one should put up a picture of high mountains without water in the south-west of the room for strength & stability.

Blocking of the North-East (Ishan) portion of the house/industry restricts the inflow of the blessings of God. It leads to tension, quarrel and insufficient growth of the inhabitants; especially children of the owner.

There should not be three or more doorways in a straight line. Having improper position of the entrance/obstruction in front of the gate can reduce the prosperity to a great extent. • Have the name & number plate of your house on main entrance to enable the opportunities to trace you easily. Like most parts of Gujrat, Maharashtra & Andhra Pradesh, it is a good idea to give a name to the residential / commercial buildings also.

Do not complain all the time as this will create sha chi (Negative Energy). Always remember that millions of people cannot even dream the facilities and comforts that you have easily got in life.

For better harmony & ever lasting personal relationship always prefer a double bed with single mattress; since the normally used double mattresses creates a symbolic separation that could become real.

Never sit with your back facing main door. This can cause back-biting, deceit, betrayal in life. Unwanted guest may be given such seat.

Never keep un-repaired device like watch, television, radio, telephone, mixer, spoiled ball pens, cassettes etc. in the house. This will create negative energy resulting into stagnancy and disharmony in the house.

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Check the doorbell sound of your house. If it sounds irritating, family members will be short tempered. If it sounds dull, energy level of the house will be low. Hence, the door bell sound should be soft and pleasing.

Want to remain healthy? Remove medicine from kitchen & shift to living room or in the Puja room.

Check if any marble or tile is broken in your house or office. This could result into broken relationship with family member or partner or customers. Either put carpet to cover the broken marble/tiles or preferably replace it.

Are you looking for a potential client? Place your address book or planner on North West corner of the desk. Installing 6 rod yellow or golden metallic wind-chime in North-West area of the house or workplace can also help in bringing desired number of overseas clients/ opportunities for import-export.

Underground water body or source should be in the north, east or north-east of the plot. Having an underground water body in the south-east/south position of the house can cause damage to the male child/wife of the owner. Besides huge financial losses, an underground water tank in south-west can prove fatal to the head of the family or owner of the industry.

Want to improve the study of your children? Put Crystal on North East corner of the study table for excellent study of your children. You can also keep education tower on his/her table for concentration in studies. Installing a 5 rod wooden wind-chime in the eastern zone is also very helpful.

Do you want to retain the money in the house? Put a 3 leg frog facing its back to the main door for better saving.

Looking for better foreign contacts? Put Globe on North West corner to get better overseas opportunities and rotate it at least three times in a day in clockwise direction.

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Want to improve marriage prospects? Keep Rose Quartz precious stone along with a pair of Mandarian ducks in South West of your bedroom to enhance marriage prospects. Keeping a picture of any flower, double happiness symbols and a picture /idols of Lord Krishana & Radhaji also helps in getting a suitable life partner.

Is your wife facing, pain in leg and backache? This can be due to her back facing the entrance gate of the kitchen. Install a convex mirror in front of her so that she can see what is going on in her backside through the mirror. Having water & fire in one Line or opposite to one another, adds to difference of opinion amongst the family members. Rearranging the gadgets or putting a minimum 2’ high partition of any material between fire/water will be very helpful. Facing east or west with the cooking is a must. Looking towards south while cooking causes pain in the shoulders or even cervical pain, while North/North-East facing cooking adds to expenditure manifold, besides disharmony in the family.

Want to improve the Sales? Stick three Chinese coins tied with red ribbon on sales file or invoice book or order book.

Is there any tree facing your main door or window? This could result into poor health of family members. Place convex mirror, pakua and/ or pyramids on the outer wall facing that tree.

Ensuring that water and fire are in the prescribed zones and are not in one line is an important tip for mental & physical health of the members in the house.

Having a toilet/fire place in north-east corner of the house or industry can ruin it financially besides mental tension & quarrel amongst people. Using Pre-Energized Pyramids, sea salt, Green creepers, blue bulb and yellow towels can largely help in minimizing ill-effects.

Since the health of your home relates directly to you and your health, you should keep your home in the best possible condition. Keep your mirrors clean, dust and dirt reduces the effectiveness of mirrors. Try to keep the paint work fresh, repair any leaking taps, and replace any blown bulbs as quickly as possible. Keep your windows clean and replace any cracked or broken glass.

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Water, particularly moving water, attracts positive energy and money. Consider placing a small ornamental fountain or aquarium in your Wealth location (North direction) for wonderful results. Contrary to normal belief, N, E & NE are not beneficial to all. There are four favourable and four unfavourable directions for each one of us. Depending upon the astro-particulars each one of us can know his/her auspicious/inauspicious direction for sitting/sleeping and achieve the desired results.

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