World War -III

World War -III  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 3493 | June 2017

The entire world is horror struck with the impending danger of the Third World War. If Third World War takes place, there will be abundant use of Atomic and Nuclear weapons which will lead to the total destruction of the civilization. Every now and then the antagonist and provocative statements of the supremo of USA, USSR, North Korea and China are surfacing. It is only the matter of time when even a slight spark ignited from somewhere may pave the way for the out break of catastrophic war leading to the annihilation of the civilization.

Infallible Prediction of Nostradamus regarding World War – III

Nostradamus born in France on 14 Dec. 1503 had predicted about the 3rd World War long time ago which is quite horrific. The world famous clairvoyant presented his predictions in couplets. Nostradamus had predicted about the explosion of Atom Bomb on Hiroshima. He has given numerous predictions on calamities, war, death and aftermath which have all been proved true and deadly accurate. In one of his predictions, Nostradamus has proclaimed, when the 3rd world war breaks out, the attack of China by chemical weapons will initiate catastrophic scenario in Asia leading to the genocide and assassination which have not happened so far.

As per the analysis of the predictions of Nostradamus during the 3rd world war, a sphere of fire from the sky will move forward towards the earth and the entire Indian ocean will submerge in this stormy fire. Due to this incident many nations of the world will submerge into water. He writes – at the start of 3rd World war there will be one leader of such a nation which is surrounded by oceans from three sides, whose name will be synonymous of a wild animal (Should we assume that at this point in time Singh (Lion) is the name of the PM of India which resembles to wild animal).

He writes further – Civil war will take place in any nation and a new leader will emerge and rule the country (this has happened in Egypt). A new Pope will be crowned in other country (this has also taken place). Mangol (China) will initiate a war against the Church (the pseudo war between China and USA is already going on).

What did we lose in Wars

Almost 198 wars of high intensity have taken place since 1910 and approximately 260 million people have lost their lives in the camouflage. The expenditure incurred on the killing of one person in First World War was Rs. 68 thousand which has become Rs. 15 crore 50 lakh now. Even then, the insanity of warfare has not pacified. The expenditures on the accumulation and upkeep of Atomic and Nuclear weapons have gone up to the alarming limits of 675 billion dollar per annum.

The most devastating and bloody war of 20th Century or you can say of all the times was the 2nd World war which was responsible for the genocide of 40-50 million people. First world War was also devastating which took the toll of the lives of 8.5 million soldiers and 13 million civilians. Even the alive soldiers had also to face the calamities which broke out due to the result of war and the total toll of lives reached up to 50-100 million. In the bloodshed which took place in 20th Century about 9 million Russian Civilians lost their lives.

Had these humanitarian and financial resources been used for development and raising the standard of life of the mankind, the scenario of the world might have changed certainly.

Role of Planets with relation to Astrology

It has been observed, whenever, the balance of the cosmos is disturbed; that manifests somehow or the other on the earth as well. Whenever maximum planets are located on one side then due to gravitation there emerge unbalance which effect the mind of the human being significantly. Due to this very reason the human being takes aggressive route and his thinking power is decreased substantially. If its impact is felt on the Head of the Nation then it often transforms into war.

The effect of the planets are very subtle which can’t be measured through any instrument but its impact is everlasting, it can be understood by the event of tides. When Moon is posited in 4th and 10th house then there is tide on the ocean due to gravitation. On New Moon day Moon and Sun are conjunct due to which its effect is felt even more. On eclipses the effect of gravitation is felt even more when Rahu or Ketu also joins Moon and Sun. In the same way, whenever many planets come in one side of the zodiac, this position becomes the cause of earthquake and other natural calamities.

On 18th Nov. 2017 this year, 7 planets will remain within 70° and on 3rd Dec. 2017 also, 6 planets will be between Ketu and Rahu within the angular distance of 70° while Moon will be posited exactly in front of them. Due to this planetary disposition there are chances of occurrence of earthquake of very high intensity which will measure 8.0 or so on richter scale. This earthquake may take place on 3rd Dec. 2017 or a day or two near to it. In order to decide its epicentre the planetary position should be analysed with respect to Rahu and Ketu. Because all the planets are between Ketu and Rahu means below the Moon, hence, their effects on Northern region will be felt between the Latitude 30°-40°. That’s why there is the possibility of earthquake of very high intensity on 3rd Dec. 2017 on given latitude.

After such kind of planetary disposition there is generally the possibility of war very often within 6 months. So the chances of breaking out the devastating war can’t be ruled out.

The same sort of situation had formed at the time of Kargil War between May 1999 to July 1999. In March 1999, 6 planets except Mars came in between Ketu and Rahu. Before India-China war also (20 Oct. 1962 to 20 Nov. 1962) 8 planets gathered together on 5th Feb. 1962 which resulted in the occurrence of high intensity earthquake in Iran in which more than 12 thousand people lost their lives. During First and Second World war also many planets appeared in the same angular position. The similar planetary position was formed on 23rd July 1914. On 13 July 1942 during the Second World War, 7 planets came within the angular distance of 70° due to which the result of the Second World War was highly terrible.

Analysing all these factors, it appears that the cloud of war will start hovering from 18th Nov. 2017 and there are possibilities of natural calamities and war in near future. The same sort of planetary position is going to form in 2018 and 2019 also, therefore the possibilities of earthquakes, natural calamities & wars in near future can’t be ignored.

Which countries will get involved in the war ? who will win? It is difficult to predict.

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