Numerology assures the success of 19th Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010

Numerology assures the success of 19th Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010  

Arvind Dixit
Views : 4665 | January 2010

There is much hue and cry over the preparation of the 19th Commonwealth Games to be held in Delhi in October 2010.Criticism of the slow ongoing progress and the fast approaching deadline are making success look like a distant dream to the onlookers. India’s leading Numerologist Arvind Dixit is once again here with his revolutionary prediction that the upcoming Commonwealth Games will be a success and Delhi will prove to be an excellent host. The prediction is based on deep numerological calculations.According to him the influence of three major numbers which will make these games a success, 19(compound), 3(single),and 7(single). NUMBER 19: According to numerology this number is regarded as fortunate and extremely favourable . It is symbolised as the sun and is called the prince of heaven.

It is a number promising happiness, success, esteem, honour and success in ones plans for the future. Number 19 consists of number 1 and 9. Number 1 represents the Planet Sun which is the ruler of all the planets posessing power,dominance,force, name and fame. The Number 9 is the number of the Planet Mangal which represents agressiveness and is associated with sports and politics.

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It is the 19th Commonwealth Games which Delhi will be hosting. The total of the 19th games is (1+9 =10 =1+0 =(1) one and total of name Delhi(4 +5 +3 +5 +1 =18 = 1+8 = (9) is nine. The games will be inaugurated by the Honourable President of India Smt. Pratibha Patil whose date of birth is 19th December 1934 and her birth number is also 19(1+9=10 = (1) which coincides with the numbers 1 and 9(1+9 =10 =(1) of the19th Commonwealth Games.19 has proved lucky for her in the past when she won the Presidential election on 19th July 2007.

Smt. Shiela Dixit the Chief Minister of Delhi is also born on 31st March,1938. Her life path number is 1(one) (3+1+03+1+9+3+8 =28=2+8=10=(1) and she is born in the period of Mangal (Number 9+ve period). She with her efforts is influencing these games with the power of Surya(1) and Mangal(9). Her claim that the games will be held successfully and on time will therefore materialise and should not be brisked away as hollow. Her birth number( 31)=(3+1)=(4) four will give her the creativity to make these games a wonderful event. She will keep the opposition party guessing till the end, they will have no idea of how the programme will take place.

Rahul Gandhi with his birthday on 19th June 1970 will also add on to the power of number 19. Number 3: The no. 3 is represented by the Planet Guru which gives growth and success. The Commonwealth Games 2010 will commence from 3rd October till the 14th October which is for a duration of 12 days(1+2)=(3). Smt. Pratibha Patil is the 12th(1+2)=(3) President of India. She is born in December representing the positive period of number 3. Her Date of birth (1+9+1+2+1+9+3+4=30=3+0=3) sums up to number 3 which is her life path number. The Commonwealth Games 2010 are the 3rd games which are being hosted by India after the two Asian Games which were held in 1951 and 1982.The 1982 games began on 19th November which is the bithday of Smt.

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Indira Gandhi, her life path was also number 3. The opening ceremony of the games was held at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Lodhi Road having the pin code 3. The sum of the year 2010 (2+0+1+0)=(3)is also 3. The total of India(1+5+4+1+1)=12=(1+2)=(3) is also 3. Since number 3 represents Planet Guru which is a benefic graha representing growth and prosperity there will be a positive influence of Guru on these games. The games will therefore be well organised and will be a success. Besides the positive power from the numbers of Smt. Pratibha Patil, the Congress President Sonia Gandhi at the helm will also add to the influence of number 3(guru). Smt.

Sonia Gandhi is 9th December born .Birth number 9, born in the month of December (positive period of number 3) she will therefore leave no stone unturned to make the games a success.The games will not only be a success but a memorable event which will conclude peacefully due to her positive involvement. Priyanka Gandhi is 3 number born, her date of birth is 12th January 1972 total of birth number 12 is (1+2=3)three and total of year 1972 is 19 (1+9+7+2=19). Number 7: The no.7 is represented by the Planet Ketu which is the care taker of sports, relationships, media and communications.

The influence of number 7 shows in the name Commonwealth Games itself. The numerological total of name Commonwealth Games (3 +7+4 + 4 + 7 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 4+5+3+)=70 =(7+0) =7 adds up to number 7. At present our Prime Minister is Dr. Manmohan Singh,for him no.7 is quite lucky his residence is at 7 race course road new delhi.The elections took place on 16th (1+6=7)May 2009, and his party got the majority. His lucky 7 will also give positivity to the event. The year in which these games were named as “Commonwealth Games” also sums up to number 7(the year was 1978 i.e 1+9+7+8 =25 =(2+5) =7). Jawaharlal Nehru stadium( 1 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 4 =70 =7+0 =7) also sums up to number 7 numerologically. New Delhi the current venue (5 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 5+1)=34=(3+4)=7also sums up to number 7 numerologically.

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Lodhi Road(3+7+4+5+1+2+7+1+4)=34=(3+4)=7 also sums up to number 7 numerologically. 3rd October 2010(3+1+0+2+0+1+0+=7) the day of the opening ceremony also adds up to no.7 numerogically. The logo of the Commonwealth Games comprises of 7 dots and 7 colours in it. The lines used to make the logo are 37(3+7)=10=(1+0)=1) in number which sums up to number 1. It is for the 9th time that the Commonwealth Games are being celebrated as Commonwealth Games since they were named so in 1978 at the Games held in Edmonton.The date of the closing ceremony i.e 14th October 2010(1+4+1+0+2+0+1+0=9) adds up to number 9. It is to be noticed that during all the games hosted by India in the past India was being run by the Congress government. The year 1951 there was Congress, in 1982 there was Congress and now in 2010 India is again being run by the Congress government.

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