Timing the Market Moves for Money Risks

Timing the Market Moves for Money Risks  

Shibanii S. Kashulla
Views : 2 | January 2016
When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is. – Oscar Wilde. ARTHA SHASTRA is Financial Astrology which will help you find out about the planetary positions, configurations and events in your life which can make you wealthy! It also throws light on astrological events that are responsible for bankruptcy and financial disasters. Every individual is born with certain qualities, and then we need to develop some more to better our lives. This will draw out the details about these very qualities, to help you enhance your fiscal strength. Could the heavenly wanderings of an old Greek god have an impact on world stock markets? Could the position of the planet Jupiter, Moon, Sun etc.. consistently predict the timing of Bull market tops and Bear bottoms? According to recent research tracking 140 years of prices on Wall Street, the answer is a simple: YES. In the Greek mythology, ZeusèJupiter was head honcho of the Old Gods. The ancient Greek tales, when studied in depth are Creation stories charting the history of the world. And the tales form the basis of the system of astrology still used in the Western world. They also have counterparts in other cultures. In Vedic astrology and the Hindu religion, for example, ZeusèJupiter has a counterpart in the figures of GURU è GANESH. In both cases, this “king” of gods introduces the concept that one can break free - spiritually or materially. In brief, Jupiter is the symbol of growth and expansion. And Jupiter’s cycle through the zodiac shows up a very interesting statistical tendency in stock markets. Trading the mood swings of the monthly Lunar cycle will produce three-to-six times the profit of a simple, buy-and-hold strategy. When studying the horoscopes of nations and large communities, New Moon charts take a step behind Solar Ingress charts. The entry of the Sun into the four cardinal signs of the zodiac is very important ,as each of them give us a broad overview of what to expect in the seasonal months following each cardinal ingress. Technical analysis is primarily used to predict whether the market is in an uptrend or a downtrend. When using technical analysis in combination with astrology you will be able to time trades and choose stocks that outperform the market while greatly reducing your risk. One should always use the basic principles of financial astrology. Technical tools can be employed as a useful adjunct to astrological transits affecting the markets overall Incorporation chart, to help time entry and exit points. Trading Styles---Technical Analysis--- Astrological Transits There are many tools one can use in trading. Analysis and forecasting tools - recommended for Short Term traders and Day Traders. However, any style of traderè investor can benefit from using these tools in conjunction with planetary cycle analysis Whether you have decided to become a trader with a particular time frame in mind for entering and exiting your trades, or you would rather be an investor with a long term buy and hold strategy, the best place to begin is with a basic understanding of the principles of financial astrology Styles of tradingèinvesting can be defined in various ways and categories. But the most important style of trading is the one that fits for you. Based upon your individual natal horoscope you define your style of trading or investing. An individual's chart is focused on the financial implications of the planets in their signs and houses in YOUR chart. Personality is perhaps the most critical aspect of choosing a trading style. 1. I n t r a - d a y trading, (day t r a d i n g ) , is done by professional f u l l - t i m e traders who take an aggressive approach to trading, taking both Long or Short positions. The positions day traders take can be held from a few seconds to a few hours or an entire day. Most day traders exit their positions before the end of the day, but there are some who don't. Timing is critical for Day traders, as they need to find the proper windows during which positions can be entered and exited. Using astrology, day traders always consider the movement and aspects of the Moon as the most important timing indicator. 2. Short Term trading is a tradingèinvestment style used by those traders who desire to participate in the stock market in a dynamic and aggressive way, but do not have the time for day trading. They can take various positions in the market - Long or Short - but usually hold their positions for a time span of a week or less. The majority of their decisions are based on price trends and patterns. When short term trading and using astrology, all the planets - in addition to the Moon - must be considered. 3. Long Term Trading (Buy and Hold) is basically what is called Investing. It is a style in which one should interpret long term trends and consider fundamental data as well as looking at technical indicators in order to make the best decisions for a position meant to be held for a greater length of time. Long term investing works well for those who desire to have a "hands off" approach compared to the other traders and trading styles. It is also the way most individuals approach investing for their retirement portfolios. Positions can be held as long as a year or even longer. When using astrology for investing long term, the most important planets to consider are the outer planets. The most important planets are Jupiter and Saturn, but also Uranus, Neptune and Pluto can influence a stock or an index. Brightest and seasoned financial astrologers including Claude Weiss, Bill Meridian, Arch Crawford, Grace Morris, Ray Merriman astro - analytically predict. " We know stocks have some good & bad transits coming up over the next few months – or belong to a sector where they can be expected to rise or fall because of the impact of mundane Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun...." The safest, and potentially most profitable, buyin è sell-out points are when the stock’s price is just beginning to bounce upwardsèdownwards from a trend line, or support line. Most of these financial gurus are from India and Europe, where there is a wider acceptance of their — calling. They even have their own trade association, the International Association for Astrological Research. For the financial fortune tellers in the U.S., their out-of-this world research is used by individual investors and brokers as a compliment to traditional analysis. Not New But , Legendary Wisdom. • There is a book called the Bourse of Babylon that shows that people followed astrology as it relates to the price of wheat from 463 B.C. to 72 B.C. They kept that data–nearly 400 years worth–on clay tablets. So the approach is not new. • In 1992, 1994 and 2008, a magazine by the name of Wall Street Forecaster was named as one of the top forecasters on Wall Street It was also rated the second best performing forecaster in 2002. • As of 2001 the Astro fund trading company, which handled $3.5-5 million worth of investor assets, claimed 10-15% of fund managers were using their service. The majority of the market demand for this service has come from the US and Japan respectively. • In 2000, Bloomberg News was host to a weekly show dedicated to financial astrology. The 2000 financial crash led to a surge in companies and investment bankers using the services of financial astrologers • John Pierpont Morgan, had a personal astrologer on staff, and he was attributed as saying "Millionaires don't use astrologers, but billionaires do. • In 2000, the chief technical analyst for HSBC was quoted as saying; "most astrology stuff doesn't check out, but some of it does". • Similarly, in 1997, the treasurer for The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development admitted that they used the practice in their financial planning and described the correlation between astrological events and financial events is uncanny. • The practice was used by Goldman Sachs in a paper released in 1999, focussing specifically on the correlation between eclipses and the state of the financial market at that time. Though floated as an idea by the company at the time, analysis showed that random data produced similar results. • A 2007 study by The British Association for the Advancement of Science conducted an experiment wherein a financial astrology, professional investor, and five-year-old child, were asked to invest £5,000 on the FTSE100. The child earned the most money, with the financial astrologer taking the heaviest losses. • Starich charges $237 annually for her newsletter, which 300 traders subscribe to for news of what will happen to the stock prices of companies, or even bigger, to the Federal Reserve. She sees dark times ahead in the Fed's horoscope. Traders want to know what the future is ? "They now have Saturn squared to Neptune, which is really bankruptcy, Neptune represents money. But when Saturn shows up in a chart, it indicates restriction. So for the Fed, that means the "fiscal cliff is here, and there’s no place to go except to print more money or unravel these financial institutions." • Arch Crawford, a financial astrologer who actually got his start on Wall Street as a stock analyst at Merrill Lynch, warns his 2,000 subscribers particularly against the dangers of Mercury in retrograde, a time when the planet appears to be going in reverse across the sky. The phenomenon, which happens three times or more a year, indicates a month when communications will be screwed up. He warns his subscribers never to start anything new during that time. He also notes that most major market glitches have happened while Mercury was retrograde. According to the Financial Times, financial astrology is “growing in popularity and complexity”. So why do business people, who are supposed to be calculatingly rational succumb to these beliefs? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BELIEFS..That’s the shortest answer. Why are these City traders, entrepreneurs and private investors resorting to the stars for assistance? People look for patterns and are very good at seeing them, even when they aren’t there. They also pick up on what seem to be causeand-effect relationships that aren’t really there.”More mysterious still is the apparently indisputable logic of why traders keep coming back to services such as Crawford’s. What they’re looking for is a RECORD OF ACCURACY. It’s no coincidence. The very complexity of the movements in the heavens makes it likely that patterns will be detected & that the same can be true for those who study stocks. The financial markets are a parallel to astrology. They’re chaotic. There are so many variables, how do you predict what’s going to happen tomorrow, let alone not only the financial masters of the universe who peer into its starry depths for a hit of good fortune.
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