How Colors Affect Us

How Colors Affect Us  

Tanvi Bansal
Views : 2 | August 2016

Directions are 8 in number and each direction is ruled by specific planet. Each planet and direction has a specific colour which is given below:

Colours & Ruling Planets of Directions

Planet Direction Colour
Sun East Red
Moon North-West White
Mars South Red Golden
Mercury North Green
Jupiter North-East Yellow
Venus South-East White, Blue
Saturn West Black
Rahu,Ketu South-West Black

The outside of the house should be of the same colour which rules the direction of the main gate of the house. For example -

Colour of the Main Gate

Direction Colour
East Red
North-West White
South Red, Golden
North Green
North-East Yellow
South-East White, Blue
West Black
South-West Black

Vastu & Colours

The colour scheme of the house should be as per the Rashi of house owner.

Vastu & Colours

Rashi Colour
Aries Red Coral
Taurus Milky, Red
Gemini Green
Cancer Pink, White, Pearl Colour
Leo Light white, Ruby Colour
Virgo Various Shades of Green
Libra Cement Colour, Milky White
Scorpio Coral Red, Pink
Sagittarius Golden Yellow
Capricorn Light Red, Cement Colour
Aquarius Blue, Pink, Cement Colour
Pisces Yellow, Bright White

Selection of Colour for House

Room Favourable Colour
Reception White, Light Green, Pink or Blue
Drawing RoomM Yellow, Soil Colour, Brown, Green or Black
Dining Hall Light Pink, Light Blue or Light Green
Main Bed Room Pink, Light Green or Light Blue
Children Room Black, Blue or Green
Kitchen White Puja Room Black, Green, Red or Pink
Study Room Brown, Light Blue, Light Green, Red or Pink
Bathroom Black, Grey, White or Pink

Selection of Colour for Shop

Shops Favourable Colour
Television Tape Recorder White, Light Green, Pink or Light Blue
Book Shop Light Yellow, Red
Printing Card Green, Blue, Yellow
Toy Shop Light Green, Light Blue, Soil Colour, Pink or White
Electrical Goods Pink, Light Green, Light Yellow, White or Multi colour
General Store Light Green , Pink, White
Jewelery Shop All Colours Except Yellow
Readymade Garments Blue, Green, Any Bright Colour
Shoe Shop Black, Brown, Red or White

Selection of Colour for Office

Office Favourable Colour
Agent Grey, Black or Deep Colour
Vastu Expert Green or Blue
Bank and Share MarketWhite, Blue, Green or Yellow
Beauty ParlourBlack, White or Multi Colour
BuilderBlack, Green or White
Chartered AccountantWhite or Yellow
ComputersLight Blue, Green
DoctorWhite, Light Green, Blue, Light Yellow or Pink
AdvocateBlack, White
Business OrganisationsGreen

Color is one of the languages of the soul, just look at inspired or meditative paintings.

They influence our mood and emotions.

They have their impact on our sense of well-being or un-easiness.

Using and avoiding certain colors is a way of self-expression; it sheds light on our personality.

Colors affect our way of perception (light colors make a space look big, a high ceiling looks less high when painted in a dark color, etc.)

Colors have a symbolic meaning which is immediately recognized by our subconsciousness. It must be said that not all colors mean the same to all persons and all cultures.

They influence the flow and amount of energy in our bodies.

Colors tell something about biological attraction and sexual availability.

Before examining color and its healing implications, we must address a very important concept: that of cause and effect. True healing comes about when the cause of the condition or illness is addressed and transformed. If healing goes no further than a mere relief or masking of the symptoms, then, eventually, that which brought about the need for healing, in the first place, will resurface and manifest itself within the body in one form or another.

Body is an outward expression of that which is taking place within the mind, the soul (subconscious) , and the spirit (superconscious) of the individual. Thus, any healing technique which deals only with the physical body and the energy field of the individual tends to accomplish one thing: it jump starts the individual, so to speak, and gives him or her an added boost of energy. That energy boost then allows that person's own internal healing mechanism to become mobilized into greater activity.

Keeping this in mind, let us look at how color can help jump-start the tired or diseased body. Color healing, known as Chromotherapy, can be implemented in a number of ways. The ancients built great halls of color healing, where individuals entered and were bathed in light that was filtered through various colored glass panels or windows.

Energy (spiritual) healers often supplement their healing work with color healing. As they lay their hands on the patient, they mentally direct specific color rays into the patient's aura and body. Oftentimes, the color used is inspired by the superconscious.

In healing colors act as balancers: we administer the color(s) someone needs more of, or we give the opposite of the color someone has too much of.

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